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He found John Tegan commandeering a squad of ten dirty-faced men. "Are the women and children all out?" he shouted. "All taken care of." Tegan spat tobacco juice, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Where's Mel?" "Left flank. He'll try to move in behind them. Gonna be tough, Pete, they've got good weapons." "What about the boys last night?"

"You hadn't oughter ring the door-bell! The airy's for such as you!" "It is Miriam!" cried Mollie, running to the door. "It is surely Miriam at last!" But it was not Miriam. It was a dirty-faced boy a tatter-demalion of fourteen years with sharp, knowing black eyes. Those intelligent orbs fixed on the young lady at once. "Be you Miss Dane Miss Mollie Dane miss?" "Yes," said Mollie. "Who are you?"

A gaunt hound came rushing from the underbrush beyond the house, and with hair bristling in anger, howled his defiance and threats. Again the horseman shouted, and this time the cabin door opened cautiously and a dirty-faced urchin thrust forth a tousled head. "Where's your father?" The head was withdrawn, and a moment later put forth again. "He's done gone ter th' corners."

It contained workmen's tools picks, shovels, and the like. On the near side of the roadway a man was erecting one of those curious wigwam arrangements which screen the operations of electricians and other subterranean burrowers from the public gaze. A dirty-faced small boy in corduroys was tending a brazier of live coals, upon which some breakfast cans were steaming.

Go 'ten' ter yo' own business ef you got any." "I don't want to play with you," said the other Drusilla. "You've got smut on your face. I don't like to play with dirty-faced girls." "My face cleaner'n yone dis blessed minnit," retorted Drusilla. "And your hair is not combed," said the other Drusilla. "It is wrapped with strings, and you couldn't comb it if you wanted to. I think it is a shame."

For this purpose Fate had donned the disguise of a dirty-faced man in a greasy old suit and a spotted handkerchief in lieu of collar... but of him presently. On arriving at Liverpool Street, Desmond, painfully conscious of his unkempt appearance, took a taxi to a Turkish bath in the West End.

It takes a big situation to bring it out. Where did you ever see a child display this quality?" "I've seed it many a time in little dirty-faced swipes," Blister stated. "I've seed exercise-boys so full of class they put the silks on 'em before they can bridle a hoss, 'n' they bawl like you've took away their apple when they lose their first race. You've heard of Hamilton?"

If a good many persons had stopped to stare at Jimmy when he was alone, many more stared now to see a dirty-faced, poor little clown being led away by a nicely-dressed lady. But the fact was that Jimmy did not care what they thought. They might stare as much as they liked, and it did not make any difference.

'I'll step out by and by, Mary. Keep your spirits up, dear. Here he went through the not very difficult process of winking upon the company with his solitary eye, to the enthusiastic delight of an elderly personage with a dirty face and a clay pipe. 'Rum creeters is women, said the dirty-faced man, after a pause. 'Ah! no mistake about that, said a very red-faced man, behind a cigar.

Also the boy fervently hoped it might never be his lot to go to Heaven a shockingly dreary place where it was always Sunday and one must, presumably, be very quiet except when singing hymns. A place tenanted by white-robed Angels, unsympathetic towards dirty-faced little sinners who tore their clothes.