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"If you come to grief, your thoughts will hardly have corresponded with the real events of the world, which is what you boast about. It is no affair of mine." "I shall go on, and not back!" exclaimed Digrung, with angry emphasis. Tydomin threw a swift, evil smile at Maskull. "Bear witness that I have tried to persuade this young man.

Its water was of a beautiful, limpid green, all filled with bubbles. So ice-cold, aerated, and enticing did it look that he flung himself face downward on the ground and took a prolonged draught. When he got up again his eyes started to play pranks they became alternately blurted and clear.... It may have been pure imagination, but he fancied that Digrung was moving inside him.

She kicked Digrung lightly with her little foot. "He isn't dead that's why. The expression you mean is waiting for your death." "Then is that my real character?" She laughed softly. "You came here to carve a strange world, and now it appears you are carved yourself. Oh, there's no doubt about it, Maskull. You needn't stand there gaping. You belong to Shaping, like the rest of us.

It satisfied the hunger of the will, exactly as food satisfies the hunger of the body. Digrung proved feeble he made little opposition. His personality passed slowly and evenly into Maskull's. The latter became strong and gorged. The victim gradually became paler and limper, until Maskull held a corpse in his arms. He dropped the body, and stood trembling. He had committed his second crime.

What's that corpse why are you dragging it around the country with you?" Tydomin smiled. "I've already heard it said about Matterplay, that if one sows an answer there, a rich crop of questions immediately springs up. But why do you make this unprovoked attack on me, Digrung?" "I don't attack you, woman, but I know you. I see into you, and I see insanity.

"With that I gather life from the streams that flow in all the hundred Matterplay valleys. The streams spring direct from Faceny. My whole life has been spent trying to find Faceny himself. I've hunted so long that if I were to state the number of years you would believe I lied." Maskull looked at the phaen slowly. "In Ifdawn I met someone else from Matterplay a young man called Digrung.

"Thanks for that!" said Digrung dryly. "All the same, some crime is about to burst. I feel it." "What must I do, then?" asked Maskull. "It is not my business, and to tell the truth I am not very interested.... If I were in your place, Maskull, I would not hesitate long. Don't you understand how to absorb these creatures, who set their feeble, obstinate wills against yours?"

He replied at last, in a dry, manly, nervous voice. "I am Digrung. I have arrived here from Matterplay." His colour kept changing, and Maskull suddenly realised of whom he reminded him. It was of Joiwind. "Perhaps you're going to Poolingdred, Digrung?" he inquired, interested. "As a matter of fact I am if I can find my way out of this accursed country."

"This seems to me a terrible valley, in which anything may happen." "Don't torment yourself about Digrung. The valleys belong by right to the phaens the men here are interlopers. It is a good work to remove them." Maskull continued thoughtful. "I say no more, but I see I will have to be cautious. What did you mean about my helping you with my luck?"

I've seen nothing like you before." "From another world. Where is Matterplay?" "It's the first country one comes to beyond the Sinking Sea." "What is it like there how do you amuse yourselves? The same old murders and sudden deaths?" "Are you ill?" asked Digrung. "Who is this woman, why are you following at her heels like a slave? She looks insane to me.