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Updated: August 24, 2024

"'I'm not pleased wid you, Mulvaney, sez Bragin, unbucklin' his sword, for he had been on duty. "'That's bad hearin', I sez, an' I knew that the pickets were dhriven in. 'What for, Sargint? sez I. "'Come outside, sez he, 'an' I'll show you why. "'I'm willin', I sez; 'but my stripes are none so ould that I can afford to lose thim. Tell me now, who do I go out wid? sez I.

We will all go a 'moonlightin' tugither. Eyah!" he resumed reminiscently, "many's th' toime I mind me ould father God rist him! tellin' th' tales av thim days, whin times was harrd in Oireland, an' rints wint up an' th' pore was dhriven well-nigh desprit. How him an' his blood-cousin, Tim Moriarty, lay wan night for an' ould rapparee av a landlord, who'd evicted pore Tim out av house an' home.

They'd make thim ten thousand if they had their way an' mark thim: 'F'r men on'y. But, annyhow, th' ladies comity wint down to Washin'ton. They'd been there befure an' dhriven th' Demon Rum fr'm th' resthrant into a lair in th' comity room. A Congressman came out, coughin' behind his hand, an' put his handkerchief into th' northwest corner iv his coat.

"I'm not pleased wid you, Mulvaney," sez Bragin, unbucklin' his sword, for he had been on duty. "That's bad hearin'," I sez, an' I knew that the pickets were dhriven in. "What for, Sargint?" sez I. "Come outside," sez he, "an' I'll show you why." "I'm willin'," I sez; "but my stripes are none so ould that I can afford to loses him. Tell me now, who do I go out wid?" sez I.

Pathrick had made a trip to India and dhriven the sarpints out av the counthry the same as he did in Ireland." "We've the worst snake in the world, I believe, here in the Terai, Wargrave," said Major Hunt. "Look out for it when you're in the jungle. It's the hamadryad or king-cobra. Have you heard of it?" "I saw the skin of one sixteen feet long in a Bombay museum, sir," replied the subaltern.

But 'tis th' divvle's own hardship f'r a coon to step out iv th' rooms iv th' S'ciety f'r th' Brotherhood iv Ma-an where he's been r-readin' a pome on th' 'Future of th' Moke' an' be pursooed be a mob iv abolitionists till he's dhriven to seek polis protection, which, Hinnissy, is th' polite name f'r fracture iv th' skull. "I was f'r sthrikin' off th' shackles iv th' slave, me la-ad.

I'm not begrudging Anty anything for herself; but that I'd be dhriven to let that blagguard of a brother of hers into the house, and that as a frind like, is what I didn't think I'd ever have put upon me!" Barry made his appearance about an hour after the time at which they had begun to expect him; and as soon as Meg saw him, one of them flew upstairs, to tell Anty and give her her tonic.

"Go on, Frank O'Connell. I love to listen to ye. Don't stop." "I'll tell ye what will happen! Back will go the Irishmen in tens o' thousands from all the other counthries they were dhriven to in the days o' famine an' oppression an' coercion an' buck-shot back they will go to their mother counthry. An' can ye see far enough into the future to realise what THAT will do? Ye can't.

'I've listened to th' speeches here to-night with satisfaction, he says. 'I'm proud to see th' rayform wave have sthruck th' road, he says. 'Th' rascals must be dhriven fr'm th' high places, he says. 'I see befure me in a chair a gintleman who wud steal a red-hot stove an' freeze th' lid befure he got home.

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