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The officer, who was an old soldier, seemed to be prepared for precautionary measures of this sort, and drew forth the corpora delicta skilfully from all the folds of my little trunk. I tried to bribe him with a tip, which he actually accepted, and I was all the more indignant when, in spite of this, he denounced me to the authorities.

The tympanum bears in relief the curious device of some winged creatures devouring a tree. Above is a roundheaded niche containing the figure of our Lord, with hand uplifted in blessing. Tub-shaped Norm. font, bearing inscription, Hoc fontis sacro pereunt delicta lavacro, and another legend undecipherable. E.E. arch opening into chantry chapel, and large piscina within.

Again: 'Clauiculis firmis theos antropos impos et ir mis Figor ob infirmi cosmos delicta, patir mi. Impos = in pedibus. Another work dictated to Erasmus at Deventer was the metrical grammar of Eberhard of Bethune in Artois, composed in the twelfth century.

Delicta majorum immeritus lues, Romane, donec templa refeceris Aedesque labentes deorum et Foeda nigro simulacra fumo. Nothing went right with Rome for long together after the Augustan age, but whether it was because she did restore the temples or because she did not restore them I know not. They certainly went all wrong after Constantine's time and yet Rome is still a city of some importance.

Fainter grew the slow breath, and the voice of the monk rolled through the silence, like the tremolo swell of an organ: "Delicta juventutis, et ignorantias ejus, quoesumus, ne memineris, Domine; sed secundum magnam misericordiam tuam memor esto illius in gloria claritatis tuoe."

The nuns needed no light, knowing the office by heart: "Delicta quis intelligit? ab occultis meis munda me, et ab alienis parce servo tuo" "Who can comprehend what sin is? Cleanse me from my hidden sins, and from those of others save Thy servant." The antiphon followed the Gloria, and then the soft womanly voices chanted the twenty-third Psalm: "Quis ascendit in montem Domini?"

All civilised systems agree in drawing a distinction between offences against the State or Community and offences against the Individual, and the two classes of injuries, thus kept apart, I may here, without pretending that the terms have always been employed consistently in jurisprudence, call Crimes and Wrongs, crimina and delicta.

"That's Republican justice, all over," I said; "to make the one that you can catch, pay for the dozen that you can't, or that you are afraid to grapple with." "I don't know about justice," was the reply; "but it's d d good policy." And so we parted not a whit worse friends than before. Delicta, majorum, immeritus lues,

For a similar use of the word in the expression of a similar sentiment, see Suet. Jul. 67: Delicta neque observabat omnia neque pro modo exsequebatur. Compare our word execute. And mark the sentiment, as a maxim in the science of government. Severitatem commodare. W. with Dr. and R. make this an example of zeugma. So Wr.