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May they ever be zealous in every good work, and have grace to continue faithful unto the end. "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Psalm cxxvi, 6. "Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days." Eccles. xi, 1.

What has so far been secured by them it must now be our task to extricate from more doubtful surroundings and place in due order before our readers. Naturf. Frederick Chambers. See also Phil. Phil. Phil. Phil. Trans., vol. cxxvi., p. 453. Phil. Phil. Jour. Chem. Mag., vol. xxvii. Mag., vol. xix. Mag., vol. ix.

I cannot worship what I hate, Or serve a god I dare not know. "As streams of water in the south, Our bondage, Lord, recall." PSALM cxxvi. It was at the ford of the Clachlands Water in a tempestuous August, that I, an idle boy, first learned the hardships of the Lammas droving.

One of the largest, and, so far as form goes, one of the most unique vessels, is shown in plate CXXVI, b. This was not exhumed from Sikyatki, but was said to have been found in the vicinity of that ruin. While the ware is very old, I do not believe it is ancient, and it is introduced in order to show how cleverly ancient patterns maybe simulated by more modern potters.

"When the Lord turned again the captivity of Sion, then were we like unto them that dream." Psalm cxxvi. 1. The Persian power, prefigured by the silver shoulders, the bear and the ram, was indeed nigh. The ram had two horns, because two nations were joined together, the Medes, who had revolted from Nineveh, and the Persians.

They are at work putting on my play and do not speak of anything else. CXXVI. TO GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Paris, 6 September, 1869 They wrote me yesterday to come because they wanted me at the Opera- Comique. Here I am rue Gay-Lussac. When shall we meet? Tell me. All my days, are still free. I embrace you. G. Sand CXXVII. TO GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Paris, 8 September, 1869

He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves with him. Ps. cxxvi. 5, 6. It is almost impossible to recall the joys and sorrows of life without having some thought of their compensative relation. We set our bright days against our dark days. We weigh our successes against our failures.

It was simply by not struggling, doing my work vigorously where God had put me, and believing firmly that His promises had a real, not a mere metaphorical meaning, and that Psalms x., xxvii., xxxiv., xxxvii., cvii., cxii., cxxiii., cxxvi., cxlvi., are as practically true for us as they were for the Jews of old, and that it is the faithlessness of this day which prevents men from accepting God's promises in their literal sense with simple childlike faith.

Illus., plans. The Discovery of Pre-Historic Human Remains near Cuzco, Peru. American Journal of Science, XXXIII, No. 196, 297-305, April, 1912. Illus., maps. A Search for the Last Inca Capital. Harper's Magazine, CXXV, 696-705, October, 1912. Illus. The Discovery of Machu Picchu. Ibid., CXXVI, 709-719, April, 1913. Illus. In the Wonderland of Peru.

"He that goeth on his way weeping, and beareth forth good seed, shall doubtless come again with joy, and bring his sheaves with him." Psalm CXXVI. The faithful laborer toils on In spite of present sorrow, He heeds not toil, he heeds not storm, But labors for the morrow; To him the harvest comes in overflowing measure, To him the fields pour out their overflowing treasure.