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Updated: August 1, 2024

If you are favoured with an ordinary brassy lie, you imagine the ball to be in a hole, exclaim that you are badly cupped, and call out vexatiously for an iron.

It was hung upon a nail, had a semi- circular, half viperish look, and was cupped at each end as if intended for some curious business of incision or absorption. We were relieved on getting nearer it and on being informed that it was merely an ear trumpet through which questions have to be put to deaf penitents who now and then turn up for general unravelment and absolution.

Jean did not know that he referred to herself and the unstudied picture she made, sitting there with her hat pushed back, and the little bird blinking at her from between her cupped palms. But she looked at him curiously, with an impulse to ask questions about what he was doing with that queer-looking camera, and how he could inject motion into photography.

This has been the rottenest day I've seen in a long time." Hooker, having seen that the motorcycle was placed on its rack, supplied the match, and Rackliff fired up, the light seeming to shine through his thin, cupped hands as he protected the blaze from the light draught that came in through the open door. He looked tired, and the first whiff or two set him coughing again.

I'll gie off the orders," remonstrated Mac Tavish; there was grim satisfaction in the twist of his mouth; it seemed as if the day of days had arrived. "On that side your bar ye may boss the wool business. But this is the mayor's side and the colonel is saying he's here to see His Honor. Colonel, ye'll take your seat and wait your turn!" He cupped his big hand under the emissary's elbow.

Kilbane Worthington was seated at the large table, much in the manner which he had affected in court, elbows on the surface, chin cupped in his thin, nervous hands. The light was not good for recognizing faces; without realizing it, the former district attorney had placed himself at a disadvantage.

It had been a part of the boy's quiet creed to make others happy. "Why don't you give me something to do, since you're so crazy to have me hanging about?" "Can't do it. I'm not the management. And they're sore at you. They think you threw them down." He liked to air his American slang. Edith cupped her chin in her hand and looked at him.

At the same time the painter slipped from his grasp and Quain, lodging an end of the eel-pot stake on the hard sand bottom, put his weight upon it. Before Amber could recover, the boat had slid off and was melting swiftly into the shadows. After a bit Quain's voice came back: "Don't fret, Davy. I'm all right." Amber cupped hands to mouth and sent a cheerful hail ringing in response.

"Get those little branches in the glasses," she said. Pilch said presently, "Got them." Trigger stood up and faced up to the sequoia. She cupped her hands to her mouth, took a deep breath, and yelled. "Yoo-hoo! Reee-pul-sive!" Down in the garden, Mantelish straightened and looked about angrily. Then he saw Trigger and smiled.

Fourteen miles of down grade faced him. If he were to make them, it must be done with the aid of brakes alone. That was dangerous! He cupped his hands and called, in the vain hope that the stories of Hazard Pass and its loneliness might not be true, after all.

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