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Arden from a place or two below put in lightly: "Well, our Sark equals your Desmond. And so he bargained with Don Luiz de Guardiola?" Mexia's eyes wandered to the other's face. "Ha, señor! I remember your face at Nueva Cordoba! Have we here more of our conquered?"

Growing uneasy at their position, and finding it impossible either to advance or to retreat, being threatened on the one side by the Baglioni and on the other by the Orsini, these troops had steadily deserted; whilst most of Cesare's Spanish captains and their followers had gone to the aid of their compatriots under Gonzalo de Cordoba in response to that captain's summons of every Spaniard in the peninsula.

To this day the key of the great Mosque at Cordoba is preserved at Rabat as a sacred relic of former dignity and power a symbol to the Moslem of his perpetual banishment.

The next train after Honor's had been held up just beyond Córdoba by a band of brigands, supposed to be a section of Villistas, the passengers robbed and mistreated and three of the train men killed. "Not a step without an escort," said Jimsy's uncle. Then Jimsy's new friend came to the rescue.

Quoth the English: "What has gone up may come down," and sent messengers, both Spanish and English, to Don Luiz de Guardiola, Governor of Nueva Cordoba, who from his stronghold swore that he found himself willing to hang these pirates, but not to dispense to them the King of Spain his treasure. Ransom! What word was that for the lips of Lutheran dogs!

I think that so slight a ransom will not now content us. As you ride through the streets of Nueva Cordoba look your last, señors, upon her goodly houses and pleasant places." "Do thy worst!" answered De Guardiola, grinning like a death's-head. Mexia wiped the sweat from his brow. "Let us go let us go, Don Luiz! I stifle here. There's a strangeness in the air my heart beats to bursting!

Rumours were rife that he was negotiating secretly with Gonzalo de Cordoba, the Great Captain, and the truth of whether or not he was guilty of so base a treachery has never been discovered. These rumours had been abroad since May, and, if not arising out of, they were certainly stimulated by, an edict published by Valentinois concerning the papal chamberlain, Francesco Troche.

And what did my English gentleman, my cousin to an English nobleman, upon the galleon San José? Alack, sirs! were Englishmen upon Spanish ships so unknown a spectacle? "I have found them," quoth the Admiral, "rowing in Spanish galleys, naked, scarred, chained, captives and martyrs." Said Ferne, "You, sir, fought in Milan mail, standing beside the captain of soldiers from Nueva Cordoba."

Science and learning were also driven out with the Arab and Jew; Córdoba, like Toledo, vanished, as the centre of intellectual life.

From Spain, Italy, Algeria, Southern France, despatches came in announcing the extraordinary appearance. At Cordoba, in South America, the "blazing star near the sun" was the one topic of discourse. Moreover and this is altogether extraordinary the records of its daylight visibility to the naked eye extend over three days.