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It was not long before Vang Khan saw that all was lost. He gave up the contest and fled. A small troop of horsemen, consisting of his immediate attendants and guards, went with him. At first the fugitives took the road toward Karakorom.

But Harley thought that he spoke in metaphorical allusion to the present more important contest. "True, my Audley, you and I together when did we ever lose? But will you rise? I wish you would be at the polling-place to shake hands with your voters as they come up. By four o'clock you will be released, and the election won." "The election! How! what!" said Egerton, recovering himself.

Wood's History of John Adams's Administration. The present Commodore James Biddle. The vice-president, Colonel Burr. This letter was written more than a year after the presidential contest in Congress. At that time a member of the United States Senate. New-York, June 24, 1802. We arrived yesterday morning, exactly the eighth day since I left you.

In reply to this, Geminus, advancing some distance from his own party, says, "Do you choose then, until that day arrives on which you are to put your armies in motion with such mighty labour, to enter the lists with me, that from the result of a contest between us both, it may be seen how much a Latin excels a Roman horseman?"

She said, "Miss Reed, I think I am not premature in congratulating you upon the story which you submitted in the contest. You will receive official notice of your victory before very long." And then she smiled the nicest sweetest smile at sight of Martha's face. It was like a burst of sunshine anybody would have smiled.

The contest had lasted but a few minutes, and already a couple were on the earth, when one of the combatants, with a cry of pain dashed in almost a direct line toward the spot where our friends were hiding. Had he not been overtaken and dragged back, he would have been upon them before they could get out of the way, and it is not difficult to conjecture what would have followed.

This important contest, which had to be postponed the previous Saturday in consequence of the dense fog which enveloped the city and suburbs in semi-darkness, came off at Ibrox Park, and resulted in a draw each side scoring a goal.

She had no strength to contest his solemn words, or stay him, and he went forth. A man with a beard saluted the wise youth Adrian in the full blaze of Piccadilly with a clap on the shoulder. Adrian glanced leisurely behind. "Do you want to try my nerves, my dear fellow? I'm not a man of fashion, happily, or you would have struck the seat of them. How are you?"

Absorbed in the mad contest for life, for money and pleasure and power she felt no need to lift her eyes beyond the level of her material endeavours. He, John Hodder, was to live under that cloud, to labour under it.

The first half century of prelude was a war of giants; but the main contest opened at Nicæa is not ended yet, or like to end before the Lord himself shall come to end it. It was the decision of Athanasius which made half the bitterness between the Roman and the Teuton, between Christianity and Islam to this day. Even now it is the worst stumbling-block of Western unbelief.