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Instead of advancing aggressively on to Fredericksburg, as he had begun to do, he turned back and fortified his army with intrenchments. Did he mistrust himself, or his army, or both? His original scheme contemplated offensive tactics, and all its merit was sacrificed when he began to erect defensive fortifications.

The man who had lost his memory, under the tremendous stress of an emotion of which he was hardly directly conscious at all the emotion generated by the knowledge that every whistling mile that fled past brought him nearer an almost certain death had experienced a kind of sudden collapse of his defences such as he had never contemplated.

The same fate befell Dorion's motion for an adjournment of the debate and an appeal to the people, on the ground that it involved fundamental changes in the political institutions and political relations of the province; changes not contemplated at the last general election. On March 12th the main motion adopting the resolutions of the Quebec conference was carried by ninety-one to thirty-three.

Altogether, the scene reminded one very much of San Francisco; and so our spirits rose as we contemplated the bustle going on. "Well, my men, are you in want of work?" asked a well-dressed elderly gentleman, who had arrived in a carriage driven by a coachman in livery, and a footman, dressed in the same garb.

As for capability, I tell you I can sail all around the average broken captain or promoted able seaman you find in the South Seas. And you know I am a navigator." "But being my partner," he said coolly, "makes you none the less a lady." "Thank you for telling me that my contemplated conduct is unladylike." She arose, tears of anger and mortification in her eyes, and went over to the phonograph.

In preparing his instructions I contemplated just what took place; that is to say, capturing Five Forks, driving the enemy from Petersburg and Richmond and terminating the contest before separating from the enemy. But the Nation had already become restless and discouraged at the prolongation of the war, and many believed that it would never terminate except by compromise.

The mishaps which the Emperor then contemplated as necessitating such a step had, in Villeneuve's eyes, actually happened.

If severe measures are not taken, we shall continue to lose more men through the extortion that limits their rations than by Arab steel or the fierce heat of the climate. We await further information before enlarging on this deplorable business. We need no longer wonder at the terror caused by the establishment of the Press in Africa, as was contemplated by the Charter of 1830."

May was struck again with the sharp line drawn between the man himself, and what he was to do, with the way in which everybody proposed to invite him to his house, but nobody contemplated admitting him to his heart. The inhumanity made her angry again, but she was alone in perceiving it; and she was half-aware that her perception of it would be far keener than Quisanté's own.

Reno, at the same time, was to cross below the railway bridge and make for Culpeper. The manoeuvres, however, were not carried out as contemplated. Only McDowell advanced; and as Lee had replaced Longstreet, who marched to Orleans the same afternoon, by Anderson, but little was discovered.