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These whips of manatee-leather are a cruel instrument of punishment for the unhappy slaves, and even for the Indians of the Missions, though, according to the laws, the latter ought to be treated like freemen. We passed the night opposite the island of Conserva.

"You un stand with half a word and I enjoy a conservation conserva singular thing I can't say conservashun. I enjoy a talk an intellectshul chat more with you than sitting down to wine with Jeffershon and Harvey, and your dear father. Good fellarsh jolly good fellarsh only too fond of sitting over wine. Shocking habit shpending hours in getting tipshy hiccup!" Now, while Mr.

The basaltic columns, which compose the Giants Causeway on the coast of Ireland, as well as those which support the cave of Fingal, are evidently of volcanic origin, as is well illustrated in an ingenious paper of Mr. Keir, in the Philos. Clandestine Marriage. Conserva polymorpha. This vegetable is put amongst the cryptogamia, or clandestine marriages, by Linneus; but, according to Mr.

All the water-fowl on the lakes of Siberia are said by Professor Gmelin to retreat Southwards on the commencement of the frosts, except the Rail, which sleeps buried in the snow. Conserva ægagropila.

"Ce qui rendit les moeurs des familles Chrétiennes si graves, ce qui les conserva si chastes, c'est ce qui a toujours exercé sur les moeurs en général l'influence la plus profonde, l'exemple des femmes. Douées d'une delicatesse d'organes, qui rend, pour ainsi dire, leur intelligence plus accessible

Muschus corallinus vegetates below the snow, where the heat is always about 40. Quick growth of vegetables in northern latitudes after the solution of the snows explained The Rail sleeps in the snow Conserva ægagropila rolls about the bottom of lakes Lycoperdon tuber, truffle, requires no light Account of caprification

Figs wounded with a straw, and pears and plumbs wounded by insects ripen sooner, and become sweeter Female figs closed on all sides, supposed to be monsters Basaltic columns produced by volcanoes shewn by their form Byssus floats on the sea in the day, and sinks in the night Conserva polymorpha twice changes its colour and its form Some seed-vessels and seeds resemble insects

This herbivorous animal of the cetaceous family, is called by the Indians apcia and avia,* and it attains here generally ten or twelve feet in length. The manatee abounds in the Orinoco below the cataracts, in the Rio Meta, and in the Apure, between the two islands of Carizales and Conserva.

ANSWER: In the negative to both parts. V. Whether, specifically, the Davidical origin can be denied of those psalms which both in the Old and the New Testament are cited expressly under the name of David, among which are specially to be reckoned Psalm II., "Quare fremuerunt gentes"; Psalm XV., "Conserva me Domine"; Psalm XVII., "Diligam te, Domine fortitudo mea"; Psalm XXXI., "Beati quorum remissae sunt iniquitates"; Psalm LXVIII., "Salvum me fac, Deus"; Psalm CIX., "Dixit Dominus Domino meo"?

An account of the Assumption would be imperfect without some notice of the western legend, which relates the subsequent history of the Girdle, and its arrival in Italy, as represented in the frescoes of Agnolo Gaddi at Prato. [Footnote 1: Notizie istoriche intorno alla Sacratissima Cintola di Maria Vergine, che si conserva, nella Citt