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The three lieutenants all commiserated me, and would sit hours with me, when a certain major had the inspection; and he himself, after a time, would even pass half the day with me. He, too, was poor: and I gave him a draft for three thousand florins; hence new projects took birth. Money became necessary; I had disbursed all I possessed, a hundred florins excepted, among the officers.

That they, in no manner, commiserated the sorrows of the unfortunate; but made merry over the plunder of churches, and administered justice, not according to the truth, but the price.

One thousand pounds amply sufficed for dotation to the convent: the other four thousand pounds are given in trust to the eminent notary, M. Nadaud, Rue . On applying to him, you will find that the sum, with the accumulated interest, is bequeathed to you, a tribute of gratitude for the assistance you afforded me in the time of your own need, and the kindness with which you acknowledged our relationship and commiserated my misfortunes.

That he held in his own strong arms, but he sat down beside me after my work was done and gently commiserated me. "Nature has not done so much for you as she has for some, you know," he said. "No, indeed," I murmured. At that he took off his blue necktie and held it toward me, with a tear of pity in his eye. I took it and tied it simply around my neck above the collar.

Judge Kitchen commiserated with him also; but what good did that do? He was being compelled to suspend. An expert accountant would have to come in and go over his books. Butler might spread the news of this city-treasury connection. Stener might complain of this last city-loan transaction.

It was long before I got private speech of Ballantrae; but at length one night we crept out upon the boltsprit, when the rest were better employed, and commiserated our position. "None can deliver us but the saints," said I. "My mind is very different," said Ballantrae; "for I am going to deliver myself.

Men, women, and children flocked out from neighboring cottages and joined the crowd; the pale boy was petted, and stared at, and commiserated, and water was brought for him to drink and bathe his bruises in. And such another clatter of tongues!

They commiserated the dog over her misfortune, and then turned their attention to preparations for the journey. "Have you ever been to La Paz?" asked Frank. "I have never been beyond Date Creek in that direction," I replied. "Is the Xuacaxélla really a desert?" "Only in the rainless season. Grasses, cacti, and shrubbery not needing much moisture grow there.

With the world at large, however, there are certain conditions on which this variety of compensation is rendered; and a man who would have compensation for defects of person, must accept these conditions, or furnish them. Such a man as Lord Byron would have been offended by pity. To have been commiserated on his misfortune, would have made him exceedingly angry.

One can imagine how much such an attitude as this would appeal to Cowperwood, once he had detected it. By a dozen little signs, in spite of the fact that she brought him delicacies, and commiserated on his fate, he could see that she felt not only sad, but reproachful, and if there was one thing that Cowperwood objected to at all times it was the moral as well as the funereal air.