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There is no relief committee in the camp; so far, no general relief funds have been sent. Sergeant-Major Hussein Hissan, a native of Constantinople, told us that, although there were many poor prisoners in the camp, there was no need to send help, as all prisoners are well fed, well clothed and supplied with tobacco. Prisoners' Behaviour.

First you are to play priest, and listen to confession. Then you are to confess, or I am to do it for you, and receive penance." "While I'm priest," he said, "do I impose any penance on you?" "I'll listen to suggestions," said she, "that point toward absolution." "I am now clothed In my priestly outfit," said Wilmot; "you have entered the confessional. I listen."

An account of the measures taken to give effect to this act will be laid before you by the Secretary of the Treasury. As the object which it had in view has been but partially accomplished, it will be for the consideration of Congress whether the power with which it clothed the Executive should not be renewed at an early day of the present session, and under what modifications.

Occasionally they would toss their heads backward, when up all the birds would fly into the air only to descend again as soon as the cattle were quiet. As I said, they were very handsome. At a short distance they looked to be clothed in black, but the breast and neck were really a very rich brown, with the rest of the body like jet and as lustrous as satin.

The sky and grass and trees seemed to caress them; a soft sunlight clothed them; and flowers brushed their feet. Kitty turned back again and was silent. Was it Ashe's fancy, or had she grown pale? "Did you like it?" he asked her. She turned to him, and for the second time in their acquaintance he saw her eyes floating in tears.

The immense square was filled at early morning by peasants and by the inhabitants of the town, in all sorts of different costumes bright and varied in colour and there were also a large number of pilgrims. They all stood as still as the superb obelisk of Oriental granite in the middle of the square. At ten o'clock the Pope arrived, clothed all in white, his crown on his head.

They saw before their mind's eye him their leader in battle, in the days of his good fortune, surrounded by his victorious army, clothed with all the pomp of military greatness, and long-accustomed awe again seized their minds. But this transitory emotion was soon effaced by the thought of the immediate danger.

They prepared therefore, with all diligence, for the entry of the saint, and set out the next morning before day-light, in a handsome equipage. There were thirty Portuguese, of the most considerable amongst them, richly habited; with their chains of gold, and adorned with jewels. Their servants and slaves, well clothed likewise, were attending on their masters.

These slaves were well housed, in cabins, well clothed and well fed, not overworked and seldom sold, were in closer touch with the "white folks" and therefore more intelligent than farther south where slaves lived in quarters and seldom came in contact with their masters or the masters' families. When a gentleman wished a slave he usually went to Hopkinsville and bought slaves there.

The frost did drive out the French, of course, and one can freeze all sorts of dishes, and the children can go skating that's all true! For the man who is well fed and well clothed the frost is only a pleasure, but for the working man, the beggar, the pilgrim, the crazy wanderer, it's the greatest evil and misfortune. It's misery, your Holiness!