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Similarly, those too abstract manuals of civics which are at present employed in schools must be replaced by concrete and regional ones, their abstract counsels of political or personal perfection thus also giving place to a corresponding regional idealism which may then be supplemented from other regions as far as needs demand and circumstances allow.

Thus, if Civics is applied Sociology, we must rest its claims on these criteria. What, then, we have to ask is: What actually are the generalisations of the present paper? How far they are warranted by verifiable sociological testimony, and What results do they yield when transformed by the touch of emotion into ideals of action?

Then it belongs to voluntary agencies, like settlements, churches, and philanthropic and educational societies to give instruction in the essentials of language, civics, industrial training, and character building. For the children the school provides such education, but voluntary agencies may well supplement its secular training with more definite and thorough instruction in morals and religion.

The ideal may exist in art and letters, and sometimes very young men imagine that it exists in very young women. But here we must draw the line. As society is constituted the ideal has no place, not even standing room, in the arena of civics. If we would make a place for it we must begin by realizing this.

How shall we more fully correlate our theoretic civics, i.e., our observations of cities interpreted as above, with our moral ideas and our practical policy i.e., our Applied Civics. Our ideals have to be selected, our ideas defined, our plans matured; and the whole of these applied; that is realised, in polity, in culture, and in art.

Less prominent citizens sent in their views unasked. Professors of crayon portraiture wrote to tell the Doctor he knew nothing of art. Lecturers to classes in civics advised him that he little realized the citizen's duty to his native town. The Noonday Worm, which had more than once praised the Doctor's public spirit, now turned on him and called him a renegade.

The idea of the regional or local survey is gaining ground and in some respects it will prove to serve the same purpose as the "Community Civics" of the American high school. There have been attempts to introduce economics into the secondary school curriculum, but they have not persisted to any extent.

BAKER, J.H. Educational Aims and Civic Needs. 1913. Longmans. 3s. 6d. net. BALCH, G.T. The Method of Teaching Patriotism in Public Schools. 1890. New York: Van Nostrand. BOURNE, H.E. The Teaching of History and Civics. 1915. Longmans. 6s. 0d. net. DEWEY, JOHN. Democracy and Education. 1916. Macmillan. 6s. 0d. net. DEWEY JOHN. The School and Society. 1915. Chicago Univ. Press. 4s. 0d. net.

Remedy for failures if officers fail to do their duty. Special topic ten minutes in length on the reception of the Constitution by the people of the different States. Teacher: I think that will be enough consult the text. In connection with the special topic some valuable material may be found in the Civics section in the reference room. The other references on this subject you had given you. Mr.

"I could wish he was more pronounced in his convictions, less willing to compromise, but I believe him to be earnest and to have a talent for government and civics. His ambition does him credit, and if he occupied himself a little more with means and a little less with ends, he would, I am sure, be the ideal servant of the people. But I am not afraid.