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The Indians advised me approximately of the depth to which the shaft had penetrated and the direction it took, and judging from the situation of the cicatrix and all the circumstances it was apparent that the arrow-head had passed through the glutei muscles and the obturator foremen and entered the cavity of the bladder, where it remained and formed the nucleus of a stone.

But though naturally healthy and vigorous, his system carried in it the seeds of death, sown there by the hardships of captivity. He had been one of the victims of the Rebels' vaccination; the virus injected into his blood had caused a large part of his right temple to slough off, and when it healed it left a ghastly cicatrix.

Patrick laid his hand on the wounded foot and made over it the sign of the cross when immediately the flow of blood ceased, the lips of the wound united, a cicatrix formed upon it and a cure was effected. Then Declan rose up with his foot healed and joined in praising God. The soldiers and fighting men who were present cried out loudly, blessing God and the saints.

A defect in one country is a desideratum in another. Scars upon the face are, in Europe, a blemish; but here and in the Arab countries no beauty can be perfect until the cheeks or temples have been gashed. Each tribe has its peculiar fashion as to the position and form of the cicatrix.

The Left Bower lazily replaced a bandage that he had worn around his ankle for weeks without any apparent necessity, and the Judge scrutinized with tender solicitude the faded cicatrix of a scratch upon his arm. A passive hypochondria, born of their isolation, was the last ludicrously pathetic touch to their situation. The immediate cause of this commotion felt the necessity of an explanation.

They grow until they reach the level of the surrounding skin, and so fill the gap with a fine velvety mass of granulation tissue. At the edges, the young epithelium may be seen spreading in over the granulations as a fine bluish-white pellicle, which gradually covers the sore, becoming paler in colour as it thickens, and eventually forming the smooth, non-vascular covering of the cicatrix.

I heard nothing further from this case until fifty-nine days from the date of the injury, when I met the owner driving this mare to a buggy. The wound had healed by first intention and at that time so little cicatrix remained that it was difficult to find it. Case 3. A brown mare with an open fetlock joint due to a spike-nail puncture. Lameness was excessive, and joint greatly swollen.

There had been a scar made in his world of men and women to mark his leaving it, such a scar as a thorn leaves in the flesh when rudely drawn out. A tiny cicatrix soon almost entirely lost as the niche which had been his was filled and the healing over was perfected.

I made a half-inch incision for it." "Will you sketch the cicatrix as you recall it?" The doctor made a careful drawing on a pad that was passed to him. The drawing was much like this. Line for line, dot for dot, it was the scar on the body found at Sewickley. "You are sure the woman was Jennie Brice?" "She sent me tickets for the theater shortly after.

The patients were studied during a period of five years. In more than half the instances there was a pale, cystic, oedematous cicatrix; in 11 per cent the scar was ectatic, and in the remainder the field of operation was quite flat.