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A little behind them came Mr. Newman, carrying his sober hat in his hand, and the curate. "Hi!" called Carrick, and they turned toward him as he came down the bank, with his sly spaniel shambling at his heels. The curate looked with disfavor at Carrick's worn tweed clothes and his general week-day effect. "I think," he said primly, "I'll be getting along."

These reached him in the night, and at daybreak of the 13th he resumed the pursuit. His advance-guard of three regiments, accompanied by Captain H. W. Benham of the Engineers, overtook the rear of the Confederate column about noon and continued a skirmishing pursuit for some two hours. Garnett himself handled his rear-guard with skill, and at Carrick's Ford a lively encounter was had.

We had been in action, too; had shot off a Confederate leg at Philippi, "the first battle of the war," and had lost as many as a dozen men at Laurel Hill and Carrick's Ford, whither the enemy had fled in trying, Heaven knows why, to get away from us.

It was long before he returned, and when he did, his manner indicated wonder and agitation. "I am nae seer gin ye be Edie Ochiltree o' Carrick's company in the Forty-twa, or gin ye be the deil in his likeness!" "And what makes ye speak in that gait?" demanded the astonished mendicant. "Because my lord has been in sic a distress and surpreese as I neer saw a man in my life.

"Why should he be interested in Carrick's antecedents, Paul?" "Cal, you are like the youngster, who after exhausting all other questions, asked his dazed parent, 'Father, why is why? Tell me all that happened," he said, seeing the slightly nettled expression on his friend's face. "You see the circus was all over before I arrived."

Newman had an unschooled aptitude for the science, and had practised it with profit on his competitors and employees before he knew a word of its technology. In Carrick's bare and lamp-lit study they had joined forces to bewilder and undermine the intelligence of the sly spaniel, and there had been sessions of hypnotism, with Mr.

Colonel Barnett and his command returned to Cleveland, bringing with them, by permission of Governor Dennison, the piece of artillery captured at Carrick's Ford, which still remains in Cleveland and is used for firing salutes.

Then, marveling at his own irrelevance, Carter told Sobieska for the first time of Carrick's confirmation of their suspicions that Josef was party to the plot of the substituted letter in the forest. "He knew the name and address of Russia's chief spy in Warsaw. How could he, a retainer a loyal servant of an exiled monarch, know these things? Pitch defiles."

"You have had news, I know," she said, stepping into view and glancing searchingly into his troubled countenance. "Is he wounded?" He could have gathered her into his arms and kissed her as she stood before him, but that the very air seemed charged with impending disaster. As gently as brevity would permit, he told her of Carrick's fate.

General Scott was not to command in the coming campaigns. He had retired in the latter part of the year 1861, and his place had been filled by a young officer of rising reputation General George B. McClellan, who had achieved the successes of Rich Mountain and Carrick's Ford in Western Virginia.