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Updated: August 17, 2024

Here are rows of books and there is a table. Somber blackboards clothe the walls to the right and beside your desk is the delicate ivory of a nobly cast head.

Tetlow went to each room to tell the pupils and teachers to get ready for it, and to put certain work on the blackboards, so it could be seen. When the principal got to the room where Danny Rugg and his particular chums sat, Mr Tetlow, sniffing the air suspiciously, said: "I smell smoke!" "I have been noticing it, too," said the lady teacher. "Perhaps the furnace does not work properly."

One feature of the countryside in which from time to time we found innocent amusement was the blackboards placed outside farmhouses, on which are written, that is, "annunciated," the various products the farmer has for sale, such as apples, potatoes, honey, and so forth. On one occasion we read: "Get your horses' teeth floated here."

She used the blackboards to advantage, and very carefully examined and criticised the work placed there by the pupils. She should speak in a louder and more decided tone. Teaching average 93. Miss gave the C class a lesson in Elocution. She gave a very short vocal exercise and omitted the concert reading.

To Patty, fresh from Miss Dawson's modest arrangements, it seemed indeed a new world, and she looked with eager eyes at the classrooms with their Girton desks, their maps and their blackboards, the studio with its array of casts, models, and easels, the row of little practising rooms, each with piano, music stool, and a chair for the teacher; and she gazed almost with awe at the laboratory with its mysterious bottles and retorts, and the gymnasium fitted with ropes, bars, and other appliances as yet unknown to her.

In the large room, where the quotations were posted, little rows of chairs were ranged before the blackboards, so that the weary patrons could sit and watch the game. The Chicago stocks had a blackboard to themselves, and this was covered with the longest lines of figures.

"We have also been sending out a lot of globes and blackboards to schools." "Dear me, I should be glad to get a pair of globes for our parish school very glad. Have you them here?" "No, they are in London too." "And how do you sell them? I fear they are very expensive." "They cost £3 the set, but we only ask £2 with the order." "That really seems moderate.

Lyman walked about the room impatiently, looking idly at the drawings and other work of the children displayed above the blackboards. A moment later Martin Landis came up to Amanda. He had been setting chairs in their places, gathering singing-books and putting the room in order. "Well, Manda," he said, "it was a grand success! Everything went off fine, lots of fun for all.

He decides to do nothing till he sees the horses themselves. He pays thirty shillings at the turnstile of the race-course and is admitted to the grand stand. Already one or two bookmakers are shouting from their stands, and some of them have chalked up on blackboards the odds they are willing to give in the big race. He looks at the board and sees that he can get twenties against Cutandrun.

The schoolroom had been cleared for dancing, the maps rolled and tied, the desks and blackboards stacked against the wall outside. Tea was over, and the trestles and boards, whereon had been spread better things than had been provided for the unfortunate youngsters, had been taken outside to keep the desks and blackboards company.

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