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Not a year passed without his joining with an orchestra in the pilgrimage to the wealthy shrine of Antipolo. He paid for two thanksgiving masses of the many that make up the three novenas, and also for the days when there are no novenas, and washed himself afterwards in the famous bátis, or pool, where the sacred Image herself had bathed.

Si, par ce mot hommes, l'auteur entend les habitans mâles, alors, pour comprendre les femmes dans la population, il faudroit compter plus de deux cent mille individus au lieu de cent mille. Au levant, au septentrion et au midi, elle a une grande plaine; au ponant, une montagne au pied de laquelle sont batis les faubourgs.

Everything denotes that it has been long above the surface of the ocean; and the central part of the Cayo is not more depressed than the banks. From their form and foliage they might at a distance be mistaken for laurel trees. The Avicennia, the Batis, some small Euphorbia and grasses, by the intertwining of their roots, fix the moving sands.

Some of the other devices I will now enumerate. Chukei basoh batis, or the tax of washing feet, a contribution, varying in amount at the sweet will of the imposer, levied when the lord of the village, or his chief agent, did it the honour of a visit. Chukei bongkar-sauh, or tax on weighing anchor, similarly levied when the lord took his departure and perhaps therefore, paid with more willingness.

On his way there he spent seven months in the siege of the wealthy city of Tyre, and he there punished with death every man capable of carrying arms, and made slaves of the rest. He was then stopped for some time before the little town of Gaza, where Batis, the brave governor, had the courage to close the gates against the Greek army.

As for Batis, the defender of the city, he was dragged by a chariot around the town, as Achilles, whom Alexander imitated, had done to the dead body of Hector. The siege of these two cities, Tyre and Gaza, occupied nine months, and was the hardest fighting that Alexander ever encountered.

Homer was his delight, and in Homer he took Agamemnon for his model; but the direst act of cruelty done by Achilles that of dragging Hector after his chariot he exceeded when he dragged Batis, a general who had opposed him, at the tail of his chariot through the streets of Gaza.

Rage, manifested by animals. Raia batis, teeth of. Raia clavata, female spined on the back; sexual difference in the teeth of. Raia maculata, teeth of. Rails, spur-winged. Ram, mode of fighting of the; African, mane of an; fat-tailed. Rameses II., features of. Ramsay, Mr., on the Australian musk-duck; on the regent-bird; on the incubation of Menura superba. Rana esculenta, vocal sacs of.

His angry fretfulness at being checked by so small a force was only equalled by his cruelty when he had overcome it; he tied Batis by the heels to his chariot, and dragged him round the walls of the city, as Achilles had dragged the body of Hector.