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Wood, T.W., on the colouring of the orange-tip butterfly; on the habits of the Saturniidae; quarrels of chamaeleons; on the habits of Menura Alberti; on Tetrao cupido; on the display of plumage by male pheasants; on the ocellated spots of the Argus pheasant; on fighting of Menura superba; on the habits of the female cassowary. Woodcock, coloration of the.

Rage, manifested by animals. Raia batis, teeth of. Raia clavata, female spined on the back; sexual difference in the teeth of. Raia maculata, teeth of. Rails, spur-winged. Ram, mode of fighting of the; African, mane of an; fat-tailed. Rameses II., features of. Ramsay, Mr., on the Australian musk-duck; on the regent-bird; on the incubation of Menura superba. Rana esculenta, vocal sacs of.

Birds can be taught various tunes, and even the unmelodious sparrow has learnt to sing like a linnet. It is remarkable that only small birds properly sing. The Australian genus Menura, however, must be excepted; for the Menura Alberti, which is about the size of a half-grown turkey, not only mocks other birds, but "its own whistle is exceedingly beautiful and varied."

But the females of various pheasants, which apparently are exposed on their open nests to as much danger as the peahen, have tails of considerable length. The females as well as the males of the Menura superba have long tails, and they build a domed nest, which is a great anomaly in so large a bird. Mr. Ramsay, in 'Proc. Zoolog.

'Bella-donna lily, working bee, menura 'Hold hard! called Lance; 'is a menura fish, flesh, or fowl? 'Fowl: the lyre-tailed pheasant, that makes a shelter for its nest with its own tail. 'Decided liar tale, muttered Edgar. 'Go on, Bobbie, Felix encouraged her. The pheasant suits both the twins as well as the bella-donna. Any more? 'Perhaps the leading stag of the herd.

Gould, J., on migration of swifts; on the arrival of male snipes before the females; on the numerical proportion of the sexes in birds; on Neomorpha Grypus; on the species of Eustephanus; on the Australian musk-duck; on the relative size of the sexes in Briziura lobata and Cincloramphus cruralis; on Lobivanellus lobatus; on habits of Menura Alberti; on the rarity of song in brilliant birds; on Selasphorus platycerus; on the Bower-birds; on the ornamental plumage of the Humming-birds; on the moulting of the ptarmigan; on the display of plumage by the male Humming-birds; on the shyness of adorned male birds; on the decoration of the bowers of Bower-birds; on the decoration of their nest by Humming-birds; on variation in the genus Cynanthus; on the colour of the thighs in a male parrakeet; on Urosticte Benjamini; on the nidification of the Orioles; on obscurely-coloured birds building concealed nests; on trogons and king-fishers; on Australian parrots; on Australian pigeons; on the moulting of the ptarmigan; on the immature plumage of birds; on the Australian species of Turnix; on the young of Aithurus polytmus; on the colours of the bills of toucans; on the relative size of the sexes in the marsupials of Australia; on the colours of the Marsupials.

On the shores and on the islets, strutted wild ducks, pelicans, water-hens, red-beaks, philedons, furnished with a tongue like a brush, and one or two specimens of the splendid menura, the tail of which expands gracefully like a lyre.

Memory, manifestations of, in animals. Mental characters, difference of, in different races of men. Mental faculties, diversity of, in the same race of men; inheritance of; variation of, in the same species; similarity of the, in different races of man; of birds. Mental powers, difference of, in the two sexes in man. Menura Alberti, song of. Menura superba, long tails of both sexes of.