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Updated: August 10, 2024

"You never wrote to me," I says, not wanting her to get the best of me, whatever it was she might be talking about. "And then HE came to town! "Who?" I asts her. "Don't you know?" she says. "The man I am going to marry." When she said that I felt, all of a sudden, like when you are broke and hungry and run acrost a half dollar you had forgot about in your other pants. I was so glad I jumped.

Julius Jackson has only scratched a little off the top of it, but HE is going to dig deeper. "Why is it that the Afro-American brother buys Anti-Curl?" he asts. "Why?" I asts. "Because," he says, "he wants to be as much like a white man as he possibly can. He strives to burst his birth's invidious bar, Danny.

'Taint me you got to consider, it's District Number 34. And furthermore. AND FURTHERMORE. Next time somebuddy asts her to go home with him from singin'-school, mebby she won't snigger right in his face, and say 'No! 's' loud 'at everybuddy kin hear it."

He sho' mus' be crazy to go out in such weather's this, 'n what's mo', to expect me to." "He seemed to know the right person to apply to." "That's the trouble with me. Ah'm that lackin' in good sense Ah do anythin' anybody asts me to 'cos Ah'm flattered to be ast!" "Does he say he's sick?" "He don' say so, but he looks powerful res'-less 'n wild-like.

And when she was done listening she says to the perfessor: "You had better go back to your laboratory." And the perfessor he went along out, and the doctor with him. "What are you going to do with him, Aunt Estelle?" the kid asts her. "What would YOU suggest, William, Dear?" asts his aunt.

"I suppose it was a pretty tame affair after they found out their Elisha wasn't coming after all?" Sam, he walled his eyes, and then he kind of chuckled. "Well, suh," he says, "I 'spicions de mos' on 'em don' know dat YIT!" The doctor asts him what he means. It seems the bishop must of done some thinking after we left him in the road or on his way back to that church.

"Well," I says, "I ain't pinted nowhere in pertic'ler except away from that town we just left. Which my name ain't Rube, Doctor Kirby, but Danny." "Danny what?" asts he. "Nothing," says I, "jest Danny." "Well, then, Danny," says he, "how would you like to be an Indian?" "Medical?" asts I, "or real?" "Like Looey," says he.

And the rest of 'em agreed with him. Then Dirk ups and asts what was to be done with you and the lidy; and, nobody else seemin' to have a hawnser ready, I says that I supposes you'll both have to come with us.

How romantic!" I asts her what is a quest. And she tells me. She knowed all about them, fur Martha was considerable of a reader. Some of them was longer and some of them was shorter, them quests, but mostly, Martha says, they was fur a twelvemonth and a day.

If anybody asts you, you tell 'em you don't know anything at all about it. Say, why 'n't you come along? I promised you the last time. That's jist your mother callin' you. Let on you don't hear her. Aw, stay. Aw, you don't either have to go. Say. Less you and me get up early, and go see the circus come in town, will you? I will, if you will. All right. Remember now.

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