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So it was settled we would give the stuff a try-out and report to him. Before we went away from there it looked to me like Doctor Kirby and me was going to work fur this here Doctor Jackson, instead of making all them there millions fur ourselves. Which I didn't take much to that Anti-Curl man myself; he was so cold-blooded like. I didn't like the scheme itself any too well, neither.

Progress means aping the white man. Religion is dying and going to heaven and being a WHITE angel listen to his prayers and sermons and you'll find that out. He'll do anything he can, or give anything he can get his Ethiopian grubhooks on, for something that he thinks is going to make him more like a white man. Poor devil! Therefore the millions of Doctor Jackson Anti-Curl.

The idea made all the money you smell around here." "What idea?" "The idea the glorious humanitarian and philanthropic idea of taking the kinks and curls out of the hair of the Afro-American brother," says Doctor Kirby, "at so much per kink." This Doctor Jackson, he says, sells what he calls Anti-Curl to the niggers. It is to straighten out their hair so it will look like white people's hair.

If he could only get hold of something that didn't cost much, and that would whiten them up fur a little while, he says, it wouldn't make no difference if they did get black agin. This here Anti-Curl stuff works like that it takes the kinks out fur a little while, and they come back agin. But that don't seem to hurt the sale none. It only calls fur MORE of Doctor Jackson's medicine.

Julius Jackson has only scratched a little off the top of it, but HE is going to dig deeper. "Why is it that the Afro-American brother buys Anti-Curl?" he asts. "Why?" I asts. "Because," he says, "he wants to be as much like a white man as he possibly can. He strives to burst his birth's invidious bar, Danny.

He must be worth two, three million dollars, Doctor Kirby says, and still a-making it, with more niggers growing up all the time fur to have their hair unkinked. Especially mulattoes and yaller niggers. Doctor Kirby says thinking what a great idea that Anti-Curl was give him his own great idea. They is a gold mine there, he says, and Dr.

"All this Doctor Jackson Anti-Curl has discovered and thought out and acted upon. It remains for me, Danny for US to carry the torch ahead to take up the work where the imagination of Doctor Jackson Anti-Curl has laid it down." "How?" asts I. THAT was his great idea. He was more excited over it than I ever seen him before about anything.