United States or Suriname ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Though they threw into the fighting in March and April about 125 divisions, they failed to separate the French and British armies, which was a prime object of their strategy, and they sustained losses which, while not irreparable, must have greatly affected the morale of their men. "Remember Verdun!" said a famous French commander, commenting on the drive.

But this accumulation of vapor in the air must come down again, perhaps in the form of snow, and so there will be no apparent gain." "If no apparent gain, could there be a real gain by another fall of snow?" Amy asked; for to inexperienced eyes there certainly seemed more than could be disposed of in time for April flowers.

Thence my wife and I to the Park; and pretty store of company; and so home with great content the month, my mind in pretty good content for all things, but the designs on foot to bring alterations in the Office, which troubles me. April 1st.

At length I obtained two workmen from one of the Dutch ships; and the Dutton English East Indiaman coming in from Bengal, Captain Rice obliged me with two more; so that by the 26th of April this work was finished: And having got on board all necessary stores, and a fresh supply of provisions and water, we took leave of the governor and other principal officers, and the next morning repaired on board.

Julia's little daughter was born on a June day in the lovely Ross Valley house the Studdifords had taken for the summer. They had moved into the house in April, because Julia's hopes made a later move unwise, and, delighted to get into the sweet green country so early in the year, and to have the best of excuses for leading the quiet life she loved, she bloomed like a rose.

There must be 55 men who departing for Wardhouse in the moneth of April, must bee furnished with 4 kintals and a halfe of bread for euery man. 250 hogsheds to put the bread in. 150 hogsheds of Cidar. 6 kintals of oile. 8 kintals of bacon. 6 hogsheds of beefe. 100 quarters of salt. 150 pound of candles. 8 quarters of beanes and pease. Saltfish & herring, a quantitie conuenient. 4 tunnes of wines.

"The good ship Constitution" was at last fairly launched. The wheels of the new government began to turn slowly and with much friction. It was not until the first week of April, 1789, that the House of Representatives and the Senate met and counted the electoral votes for a President of the newly born nation. There were sixty-nine votes in all, and of these every one was for George Washington.

On the last Saturday in April, the New York "Times" published an account of the strike complications which were delaying Alexander's New Jersey bridge, and stated that the engineer himself was in town and at his office on West Tenth Street. On Sunday, the day after this notice appeared, Alexander worked all day at his Tenth Street rooms.

My account, therefore, shall begin where his ends. He set out for London towards the end of April, and at Morpeth met with Mr. John Home, and myself, who had both come down from London on purpose to see him, expecting to have found him at Edinburgh. Mr.

I have spoken of Mr. Gibson's colored statues. April 25th. Night before last, my wife and I took a moonlight ramble through Rome, it being a very beautiful night, warm enough for comfort, and with no perceptible dew or dampness.