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Where, then, is the meeting-point: where in mankind is the ecstasy of light and dark together, the supreme transcendence of the afterglow, day hovering in the embrace of the coming night like two angels embracing in the heavens, like Eurydice in the arms of Orpheus, or Persephone embraced by Pluto?

While he was still in the generous afterglow produced by a bit of plain-speaking, another one had taken her place. With head high and shoulders squared he marched on, subject for some distance to a purely nervous irritation, together with a disagreeably potent memory of powdered cheeks, reddened lips, and a searching perfume.

Daylight yet held, although it was fast deepening toward dusk. The sun had been gone some little time behind the purple grandeur of Sierra Blanca, but eastward the snowy tips of the Spanish Peaks were still flushed with the afterglow. Nearby three ragged burros were cropping the scanty growth.

No memory, though he made a conscious effort to recover it, of his audacious success during the small hours of that morning in bringing triumphantly into the world the small new life that Pollard would have destroyed, came back to fortify him; no trace of his own afterglow that had so fascinated and alarmed his sister.

The slight suggestion of sadness she conveyed was but the shadow of the tropic mystery or the afterglow of the tragedy that had played so large a part in this country's history. The fact that she was half American perhaps accounted for her daring, yet, whatever the other strain, it could not be ignoble. Mrs.

Lydia did not reply for some time. They were nearing the cottage, and she could see the pine, black against the afterglow, when she said, "Well, I'm not keeping my own self-respect and yet, I'm glad I'm making Dad and Kent happy." "Kent! Wait till I see him!" "You can't change Kent, if I couldn't," replied Lydia. "I'll not try to change him," said Billy grimly.

For her slight advances he found bolder responses, and still scanning the irrigating ditches closely for an especially oozy bottom, he expatiated on the loveliness of the afterglow and confirmed the recollection of last evening that Fraülein Linda's dimpled hand might be an eminently pleasant thing to hold.

The evening star shot out its white spears, glowing and radiant, long before the light had gone, or the purple and golden afterglow had faded into twilight. Menard's mind went back to another day, just such a glorious, shining June day as this had been, when he had sat not a hundred yards from this spot, waiting, as now, for the end. He looked at his fingers.

But now Cameron knew that he was no longer blind, and in this flash of revelation he felt that it had been given him to help Warren with his burden. He returned to camp trying to evolve a plan. As always at that long hour when the afterglow of sunset lingered in the west, Warren plodded to and fro in the gloom. All night Cameron lay awake thinking.

They dined by the latticed window; two candles lighted them; old Anne served them old Anne of Fäouette in her wide white coiffe and collarette, her velvet bodice and her chaussons broidered with the rose. Always she talked as she moved about with dish and salver garrulous, deaf, and aged, and perhaps flushed with the gentle afterglow of that second infancy which comes before the night. "Ouidame!