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"And when yuv's mullo I pet my wast adree his poachy and there mandy lastered the cigaras. And from dovo chairus, rya, mandy never tooved a cigar. "Avali there's adusta Romni chuls that kairs dovo. And when my juvo mullered, mandy never lelled nokengro kekoomi.

An' dovo sus kerro pash Bo-Peep a boro puvius adree bori chumures, pash Hastings in Sussex. When 'mugglers nasher an' Rommany chals latch, there's kek worser cammoben for it.

Let us suppose that I am asking some kushto Rommany chal for a version of AEsop's fable of the youth and the cat. He is sitting comfortably by the fire, and good ale has put him into a story-telling humour. I begin "Now then, tell me this adree Rommanis, in Gipsy Once upon a time there was a young man who had a cat." Gipsy. "Yeckorus 'pre yeck cheirus a raklo lelled a matchka"

Yeck divvus a prastramengro prastered pauli a Rommany chal, an' the chal jalled adree the panni, that was pordo o' boro bittis o' floatin' shill, and there he hatched pall his men with only his sherro avree. "Hav avree," shelled a rye that was wafro in his see for the pooro rnush, "an' we'll mukk you jal!" "Kek," penned the Rom; "I shan't jal."

And they welled apopli adree the sala and lelled pash sar tacho. And ever sense dovo divvus it's a rakkerben o' the Rommany chals, "Sar tulloben; jal an the sala an' tute shall lel your pash." Three or four years ago one of the Smiths found a great dead pig in a lane. And just as he found it, some Gipsies came by and saw this Rommany.

The horse leaves his track on the road, and the snake makes his trail in the dust. When I was beshin' alay adree the wesh tale the bori rukkas, mandy putched a tikno chillico to latch mandy a bitti moro, but it jalled avree an' I never dicked it kekoomi. Adoi I putched a boro chillico to latch mandy a curro o' tatti panni, but it jalled avree paul' the waver.

And thus the ultimate point of Brahma, and the infinite depth of all transcendental philosophy, may reappear in a cheap, portable, and convenient form, as a declaration that the real meaning of some mysterious transaction was that it amounted to a sixpenny swindle at thimble-rig; for to such base uses have the Shaster and the Vedas come in England. "She pirryed adree the bar lellin ruzhers."

Kenna-sig his juvo welled adree an' putched him to jal kerri, but yuv pookered her, "Kek I won't jal kenna." Then she penned, "Well alang, the chavvis got kek habben." So she putchered him ajaw an' ajaw, an' he always rakkered her pauli "Kek."

The tinker gazed at me admiringly, and then said, "You're 'deep' Gipsy, I see, sir that's what you are." "Mo rov a jaw; mo rakker so drovan?" I answered. "Don't talk so loud; do you think I want all the Gorgios around here to know I talk Gipsy? Come in; jal adree the ker and pi a curro levinor." The tinker entered.

An' you can dick by dovo that the kukalos, an' fairies, an' mullos, and chovihans all rakker puro tacho Rommanis, 'cause that's the old 'Gyptian jib that was penned adree the Scripture tem. If a Gipsy is lost and cannot find his way in the night, he cries out, "Hup, hup Rom-ma-ny, Rom-ma-ny jo-ter!" When the children cannot find the tent, it is the same cry, "Rom-ma-ny jo-ter!"