United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Admiration was the common note, in the various keys. The station selected for the South-eastward aspect of the dark-red gabled pile on its white shell-terrace, backed by a plantation of tall pines, a mounded and full-plumed company, above the left wing, was admired, in files and in volleys.

But, with all his wonderful cleverness, he is not admired or supported by any intelligent body of public men. The gag-trick ought to settle him. We in Ulster feel sure that a general election to-morrow would for ever deprive him of power. Of course the Old Hand knows that, and will not give the country an opportunity of pronouncing judgment.

You think the stock-market has a very cheerful look, even with Erie of which you are a large holder down to seventy-five. You wonder why you never admired Mrs. Hemans before, or Stoddard, or any of the rest. You give a pleasant twirl to your fingers as you saunter along the street, and say, but not so loud as to be overheard, "She is mine; she is mine!"

There was world-ruling Rome in flames, and he, standing on the arches of the aqueduct with a golden lute, conspicuous, purple, admired, magnificent, poetic. Down below, somewhere in the darkness, the people are muttering and storming. But let them mutter!

'And so did poor Hale. Not at first, and not till I had put it into his head. 'I admired Miss Hale. Every one must do so. She is a beautiful creature, said Mr. Thornton, driven to bay by Mr. Bell's pertinacious questioning. 'Is that all! You can speak of her in that measured way, as simply a "beautiful creature" only something to catch the eye.

The opinions she had formed upon the wisdom of her brother's pursuit of Ethelberta would have come just then with an ill grace. It must, however, have been evident to Christopher, had he not been too preoccupied for observation, that Faith's impressions of Ethelberta were not quite favourable as regarded her womanhood, notwithstanding that she greatly admired her talents.

Cooke admired and wondered at, above all else, the bushy red whiskers. But it appeared that these were the only things that Mr. Drew was really touchy about. I noticed that the detective, without being impolite, did his best to discourage these remarks; but my client knew no such word as discouragement.

It was not until the following morning that the Sister came in to dress his wound. "What strong teeth you've got, boy!" she said. Nobody knew better than he did that his teeth were large and tended to protrude, but it is always annoying to have one's defects admired. The Orderly was, in his way, an artist. He was light-handed, quick, deferential, and soothing a prince among Orderlies.

I have witnessed a poet, whose writing I have never read, walking along a certain street. I call him a poet to avoid periphrasis. The whole get-up of the man, his dress, his hair, his hat, the style in which he walked, showed unmistakably that he fancied that everybody was looking at him, and that he was the admired of all admirers. In fact, nobody was looking at him at all.

He ought to have visited the United States twenty years sooner, or not have risked his reputation by coming at all. Like Incledon, he was only heard by Americans when his powers of voice were so impaired as to leave them to conjecture what he had been, and mourn the wreck that all had once admired."