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Updated: August 4, 2024

Chief, invested with the usurper's authority, in the fortress with this unhappy girl, he was capable of any crime. What ought I to do to deliver her? To set out at once for Orenbourg, to hasten the deliverance of Belogorsk, and to co-operate in it, if possible. I took leave of Father Garasim and Accoulina, recommending to them Marie, who I already looked upon as my wife.

Alexis was petrified with astonishment. Pougatcheff went off to inspect the fortress; Alexis followed him; I remained. I ran up to Marie's room. The door was closed. I knocked. "Who is there?" asked Polacca. I gave my name. I heard Marie say: "In an instant, Peter, I shall join you at Accoulina's." Father Garasim and Accoulina came out to welcome me.

Marie, Polacca, and I sat in the interior of the kibitka. Saveliitch perched himself up in front. "Adieu, Marie, sweet little dove! Adieu, Peter, our handsome falcon!" exclaimed the kind Accoulina. Passing the Commandant's house, I saw Alexis, whose face expressed determined hate. In two hours we reached the neighboring fortress, which also belonged to Pougatcheff. We there changed horses.

The drunken shouts of the guests, and the voice of Father Garasim now resounded together; the brigands wanted more wine, and Accoulina was needed. "Go back to your house, Peter," said she, "woe to you, if you fall into his hands!" She went to serve her guests; I, somewhat quieted, returned to my room. Crossing the square, I saw some Bashkirs stealing the boots from the bodies of the dead.

I returned to Father Garasim's, where our preparations were soon completed. Our baggage was put into the Commandant's old equipage. The horses were harnessed. Marie went, before setting off, to visit once more the tomb in the church-yard, and soon returned, having wept in silence over all that remained to her of her parents. Father Garasim and Accoulina stood on the steps.

"You did not tell me that," said the usurper, whose face darkened. "Judge of it yourself. Could I declare before your people that Marie was Captain Mironoff's daughter? They would have torn her to pieces. No one could have saved her." "You are right," said Pougatcheff, "my drunkards would not have spared the child. Accoulina did well to deceive them."

I kissed the young girl's hand, and left the room. "Adieu, Peter Grineff," said Accoulina. "Do not forget us. Except you, Marie has no support or consolation." Choked by emotion, I did not reply. Out on the square, I stopped an instant before the gibbet. With bare head I reverently saluted the loyal dead, and took the road to Orenbourg, accompanied by Saveliitch, who would not abandon me.

I cried, with terror, "Pougatcheff is there!" I rushed out of the room, made a bound into the street and ran wildly to the priest's house. It was ringing with songs, shouts and laughter. Pougatcheff was at table there with his men. Polacca had followed me; I sent her in to call out Accoulina secretly. Accoulina came into the waiting-room, an empty bottle in her hand.

The decision of fate was awaited with anguish. Food was scarce; bombshells fell upon the defenseless houses of citizens. The attacks of Pougatcheff made very little excitement. I was dying of ennui. I had promised Accoulina that I would correspond with her, but communication was cut off, and I could not send or receive a letter from Belogorsk. My only pastime consisted in military sorties.

Alexis had some French books, and in my idleness I set work to read, so that a taste for literature awoke within me. I read every morning, and essayed some translations, even metrical compositions. Almost every day I dined at the Commandant's, where, as a general thing, I spent the rest of the day. In the evening, Father Garasim came with his wife, Accoulina, the greatest gossip of the place.

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