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King Beder commended all he saw, but nevertheless so that he might not be discovered to be any other than old Abdallah's nephew. They discoursed of indifferent matters, till the queen was informed that dinner was served. The queen and King Beder arose, and went to place themselves at the table, which was of massive gold, and the dishes of the same metal.

"No, I've made him lie down in my cabin. He says he can't sleep, says he can only work. He looks ten years older. Abdallah's an awful place, and it's a heavy district. The Mamour there's a scoundrel. He has influenced the whole district against Norman and our men.

Abdallah seeing at a distance King Beder coming with the mare, doubted not but he had done what he had advised him. "Cursed sorceress!" said he immediately to himself in a transport of joy, "heaven has at length punished thee as thou deservest." King Beder alighted at Abdallah's door and entered with him into the shop, embracing and thanking him for all the signal services he had done him.

Thou mayest go, Genie, and it will be long ere I will have to call thee again," and thereupon the Genie was gone like a flash. The captain of Abdallah's troop a bearded warrior clad in a superb suit of armor rode up to the fagot-maker, and, leaping from his horse and bowing before him so that his forehead touched the dust, said, "Whither shall we ride, my lord?"

Abdallah's death crushed for ever any attempts at revolt in Medina, and fused the Disaffected into the common stock of Believers. Abdallah occupies rather a peculiar position in Mahomet's entourage; he was often the Prophet's opponent, sometimes his open defier, and yet Mahomet's dealings with him were uniformly gentle and forbearing. He may have had some personal regard for him.

Abdallah seeing at a distance King Beder coming with the mare, doubted not but he had done what he had advised him. "Cursed sorceress!" said he immediately to himself in a transport of joy, "heaven has at length punished thee as thou deservest." King Beder alighted at Abdallah's door and entered with him into the shop, embracing and thanking him for all the signal services he had done him.

"This argument of Abdallah's had much weight with me, and I the more readily consented to his request as he did not on this occasion require any imposture at my hands, but merely the restitution of his domestic peace. And I went with him to his wives, and discoursed with them, and they agreed to abide by my sentence.

But the heat did not trouble Sabat, the wild son of the Arabian desert, who was talking as he always did in a roaring voice that was louder than most men's shouting. He was telling the story of Abdallah's brave death as a Christian martyr.

He was beheaded, and Sabat Sabat who had ridden a thousand miles with his friend and had faced with him the blistering sun of the desert and the snow-blizzard of the mountain saw Abdallah's head lie there on the ground and the dead body carried away. Abdallah had died because he was faithful to Jesus Christ and because Sabat had obeyed the law of Mohammed. The Old Sabat and the New

Mohammed racoul Allah! and you will be saved." He also taught the same prayer to her children. In the midst of the slaughter several Arabs had leveled their firearms at her to shoot her, when she remembered Abdallah's lesson, and throwing herself on her knees to them repeated the invocation. The murderers stopped, made her say it over again, and asked, "Do you mean it?"