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The woman took the cage, but without regarding what the queen had ordered, gave him both meat and drink; and being old Abdallah's friend, sent him word privately how the queen had treated his nephew, and apprised him of her design to destroy both him and King Beder, that he might take measures to prevent her intentions, and secure himself.

Nearly all Abdallah's artillery was left behind in a gun park at Jaffa owing to lack of transport, and though he had a numerically superior force he did not like Napoleon's dispositions, and retreated when Kleber moved up the plain to pass between Gaza and the sea, and the cavalry advanced east of the Mound of Hebron, or Ali Muntar, as we know the hill up which Samson is reputed to have carried the gates and bar of Gaza.

King Beder commended all he saw, but nevertheless so that he might not be discovered to be any other than old Abdallah's nephew. They discoursed of indifferent matters, till the queen was informed that dinner was served. The queen and King Beder arose, and went to place themselves at the table, which was of massive gold, and the dishes of the same metal.

There was no strong man to succeed Abdallah, and they found themselves without leader or policy. They had for long been nominally allies of Mahomet, but had not scrupled under Abdallah's leadership to question his authority by opposition and sometimes in open acts of war.

They demanded of him: "In the Gospel of Christ, is anything said of our Prophet?" intending to extort that promise of the Comforter which Mahomet blasphemously applied to himself. Abdallah's answer was: "Yea Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves."

'Hateful sorceress! said he immediately to himself in a transport of joy, 'Heaven has at length punished thee as thou deservest. King Beder alighted at Abdallah's door, and entered the shop, embracing and thanking him for all the signal services he had done him. He related to him the whole matter, and told him that he could find no bridle fit for the mare.

King Beder commended all he saw, but so that he might not be discovered to be any other than old Abdallah's nephew. They discoursed of indifferent matters, till the queen was informed that dinner was upon the table. The queen and King Beder arose, and sat down at the table, which was of massy gold, and the dishes of the same metal.

Sabat decided that he must follow in Abdallah's footsteps. He became a Christian. He was then twenty-seven years of age. The Brother's Dagger Very quickly the news was in Arabia that Sabat had renounced Mohammed and become a Christian. At once Sabat's brother rose, girded on his dagger, left the tents of his tribe, mounted his camel and coursed across Arabia to a port.

The Crusaders made their influence felt, and many are the traces of their period in this ancient city, but Askalon always had more Crusader support. Napoleon's attack on Gaza found Abdallah's army in a very different state of preparedness from von Kress's Turkish army.

All who were present shouted with laughter at Abdallah's speech, for who would believe that any one would be so generous as to spend all upon another and none upon himself?