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"What would you have done, Joel Pepper?" "I'd a-pitched right into 'em like everything!" said Joel valiantly; "and a-caught 'em! Yes, every single one of the Bunglers!" "The what?" said Van, bursting into a loud laugh. "The Bunglers," said Joel with a red face. "That's what you said they were, anyway," he added positively.

"Mounseer," answers my grandfather, "I dare say you've a-done it for your country; but we've a-caught you, and now you must go to prison wee, wee, to preeson," he says, lisping it in a Frenchified way so as to make himself understood. Bligh began to foam. "The longer you keep up this farce, my fine fellows, the worse you'll smart for it! There's a Magistrate in this parish, as I happen to know."

"Aye," the skipper went on wearily, "an' on both sides the steam- pipe uz well. I tell ye he was in two pieces, splut clean uz a herrin'. The sea must a-caught hum on the upper brudge deck, carried hum clean across the fiddley, an' banged hum head-on tull the pipe cover.

"The laundry's on fire!" he cried; "the laundry building's a-caught!" I remember his odd expression "a-caught," and wanting to laugh, but finding my face rigid and inflexible. "The devil's about again, s'help me Gawd!" he cried, in a voice thin with terror, running about in circles. And then the group on the stairs scattered as at the sound of a shot, and the Colonel and Dr.

"A nice dance you've led me," grunted Tummels, as she fought down her hysterics. "I've been pulling hot-foot after the man all the way from Penzance. I tracked him there; but you and he between you gave me the slip in the crowd. 'Tis the Lord's mercy you didn' lead him all the way to Stack's Folly: for if I'd a-caught up with him there I must have committed murder upon him."

But I'll tell you I was sober; I was on'y dog-tired; and if I'd awoke a second sooner I'd a-caught you at the act, I would. He wasn't dead when I got round to him, not he." "Well?" says Captain Smollett, as cool as can be. All that Silver said was a riddle to him, but you would never have guessed it from his tone. As for me, I began to have an inkling. Ben Gunn's last words came back to my mind.

"I said Burglars," said Van, doubling up with amusement, while Joel stood, a little sturdy figure, regarding him with anything but a sweet countenance. "Well anyway, I'd a-caught 'em, so there!" he said, as Van at last showed signs of coming out of his fit of laughter, and got up and wiped his eyes.