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The population of Birmingham grew from 73,000 in 1801 to 200,000 in 1844; that of Sheffield from 46,000 in 1801 to 110,000 in 1844, and the consumption of coal in the latter city alone reached in 1836, 515,000 tons.

January 15 found us passing through loose pack sometimes the ship was in large open leads we stopped on one of these and sounded. To our surprise we found 368 fathoms, volcanic rock in 72 degrees 0 minutes S., 168 degrees 17 minutes W. we found the depth 2322 fathoms, so we had struck the continental shelf right enough in Latitude 73 degrees.

The semi-barbarous kings of Pontus and Armenia took advantage of the opportunity to overrun the Hellenized provinces and put all the Greek and Roman inhabitants to the sword. To avenge this outrage, Rome sent to the East, in 73 B.C.E., her most distinguished soldier, Pompeius, or Pompey, who, in two campaigns, laid the whole of Asia Minor and Syria at his feet.

Still, the effect of the burning cartridges was catastrophic; the flames killed everything within their reach. Of the 78 men of the turret crew only five escaped, some badly wounded, by crawling out through the holes for expelling empty cartridge cases. The remaining 73 men died instantly. A few seconds after this catastrophe another disaster befell us.

Some time in the nineteen years that Trajan was Emperor, from 98 to ll7, Tacitus, being then between the ages of 54 and 73, composed his History. He paused when he had carried it on to the reign of Domitian; the narrative had then extended to twenty-three years, and was comprised in "thirty books," if we are to believe St.

Among Charlemagne's 65 Capitularies, which contain I,151 articles, may be counted 87 of moral, 293 of political, 130 of penal, no of civil, 85 of religious, 305 of canonical, 73 of domestic, and 12 of incidental legislation. Often, indeed, these Capitularies have no imperative or prohibitive character; they are simple counsels, purely moral precepts.

The visit of Padre Juan Garaycoechea to Tusayan was at the invitation of Espeleta, chief of Oraibi, but he went no farther than Awatobi, where he baptized the 73 Hopi. He then returned to the "governor," and arrived at Zuñi in June.

Beneath each transaction was written its true history; the actual investments, sometimes necessary, carefully distinguished from the false. In neat red ink would occur here and there a note for his own guidance: "Eldest child comes of age August, '73. Be prepared for trustees desiring production."

Annual Loss Occasioned by Destructive Insects. Value of Insect Parasitism to the American Farmer. Yearbook 1907. House Flies. Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin 71. The Grasshopper Problem. Bulletin 84. The Boll-Weevil Problem. Bulletin 344. The Most Important Step in the Control of the Boll-Weevil. Bulletin 95. The San Jose Scale. Yearbook 1902. The Plum-Curculio. Bulletin 73.

"Now with regard to the value of the expression, 'it is written, it may be remarked that in no case could its use, in the Epistle of Barnabas, indicate more than individual opinion, and it could not, for reasons to be presently given, be considered to represent the opinion of the Church. W. Sanday, p. 73.