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Updated: August 25, 2024

This is best explained by actual figures: assuming that a propeller 15 ft. in diameter is used, almost 50 horse-power would be required to get an upward lift of 1,000 pounds; this amount of horse-power would be continually absorbed in maintaining the machine in the air at any given level; for actual lift from one level to another at a speed of eleven feet per second a further 20 horse-power would be required, which means that 70 horse-power must be constantly provided for; this absorption of power in the mere maintenance of aero-dynamic support is a permanent drawback.

The area of the whole sky is, in round numbers, about 50,000 times that of the circle we have described. It follows that the total quantity of light which we receive from all the stars is about equal to that of 50,000 stars of the fifth magnitude somewhat more than 1000 of the first magnitude.

'They would let you overdraw for £50 or £60. 'I will not do it. I will not starve myself and Hetta. You had ever so much money only lately. I will get some things for you, and pay for them as I can if you cannot pay for them after your marriage; but I have not money to give you. 'That's a blue look-out, said he, turning himself in his chair 'just when £60 or £70 might make a fellow for life!

"Then it ain't mine," said Alec, disgusted, remembering in how great peril his $50 had been. "Well, boys," said the "Old King," "it ain't mine. We'll divide it in three." "We'll take our wages," said Barney again, in sullen determination. "Confound the boy!" cried the "Old King." "What'll we do with the wheat? I say, we'll give it to Ben; he's had hard luck this year."

Johnston and the general with him had no idea of attacking the army of the Potomac where it lay, but they did think that with a further 50,000 or 60,000 they might successfully invade Maryland, crossing higher up the Potomac, and by drawing McClellan away from his present position, get a chance of defeating him.

A month before he was let loose upon society came a surprise a letter from his wife, directing him to call at the office of a certain solicitor in Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, when he would receive £50 upon his personal receipt, and a similar sum from time to time, provided he made no attempt to discover her, or in any way disturb her life. 'Oh, Leonard, said she, 'you ruined me once.

It will be seen that by this method there is a chain of communication established throughout the line, both flanks being in touch with the right and left mucharns by watchers in the trees only 50 yards apart.

Didon no doubt had thought that New York, with £50 and other perquisites in hand, might offer her a new career. She had therefore yielded, but even now could hardly forbear from expressing disgust at the folly of her mistress. Marie bore it with imperturbable good humour. She was running away, and was running to a distant continent, and her lover would be with her!

Results The object was attained, but at a heavy cost. Of the 50,000 veteran infantry and the 9000 cavalry, which the army had numbered at the crossing of the Pyrenees, more than half had been sacrificed in the conflicts, the marches, and the passages of the rivers.

I. References for Study C.F. and C.B. Thwing, The Family, chap. vii. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, $1.60. W.F. Lofthouse, Ethics and the Family, chaps. iv, v. Hodder & Stoughton, $2.50. II. Further Reading "The Improvement of Religious Education," Proceedings of the Religious Education Association, I, 119-23. $0.50. Religious Education, April, 1911, VI, 1-48.

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