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Tommy's £500 had grown to be £1,213 12s. 9-3/4d.; and Amalu and Hemstead, ranking for wages only, had £22 16s. 0-1/2d. each. From talking and brooding on these figures it was but a step to opening the chest, and once the chest open the glamour of the cash was irresistible.

The event was soon to demonstrate his sagacity. The Secretary of State in order to establish the new ratio sold "Reverse Councils" at rates from 2s. 11d. downwards. The attempt failed egregiously, for the rupee fell steadily, and has now fallen to and under 1s. 4d.

The corporation of Hungerford is peculiar, the head official being termed the constable, who corresponded with the mayor in less original boroughs. At Kingston-upon-Thames in 1572 the accounts show the expenditure: "The making of the cucking-stool . 8s. 0d. Iron work for the same . . . 3s. 0d. Timber for the same . . . 7s. 6d. Three brasses for the same and three wheels 4s. 10d. £1 3s. 4d."

A Melanesian takes the offertory bason, and they give or not as they please. I take care that such moneys as are due to them shall be given in 3d., 4d., and 6d. pieces. 'Last year our offertory rather exceeded £40, and it is out of this that my brother will now pay you £10 for the Mackenzie fund.

The method of keeping accounts in the shops which, it is to be remembered, are almost always kept by white or half-white people, hardly ever by Indians is primitive enough. Here is a score which I copied, the hieroglyphics standing for dollars, half-dollars, medios or half-reals, cuartillos or quarter-reals, and tlacos or clacos which are eighths of a real, or about 3/4d.

From one part of London, or any other large town, to another, the rate was 2d.; from London to Brighton, 8d.; to Edinburgh, 1s. 1d.; and to Belfast, 1s. 4d. Some of these charges were almost equal to the daily wages of a labouring-man. There was considerable opposition to the new measure, especially among the officials of the postal department.

The fourfold petition presented to the King by the rebels was: The abolition of serfdom. The reduction of rent to 4d. per acre. The liberty to buy and sell in market. A free pardon. Compare the studiously restrained tone of these articles with the terrible atrocities and vengeance wreaked by the Jacquerie in France, and the no less awful mob violence perpetrated in Florence by the Ciompi.

Summonses, under 40s., 4d.; above that sum, 6d. Witnesses, travelling from Hawkesbury to Sydney, 10s.; ditto, from Sydney to Hawkesbury, 10s.; to Sydney from Parramatta 5s., and back again the same sum; attending the court each day 2s. 6d. Fees to secretary's clerks, receiving no salary: free pardons 5s. conditional ditto 2s. 6d.; and, on each person leaving the colony by certificate, 2s. 6d.

A good deal of stock and farm implements remained at Malbaie and this the new proprietors arranged to buy, giving in payment their promissory notes, Nairne's for £85, 6s. 8d., currency and Fraser, who got only one-third, his for £42, 13s. 4d. They seem to have had a good deal for their money.

On Saturday evening the produce of an orphan-box, 5s. 1 1/4d., was given; and last evening a sister gave two sovereigns to brother Craik, waiting for him a long time in the chapel, till she could see him. She might have delayed giving it till another time, as she had to wait so long; but the Lord knew our need.