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After swimming for 6 hours 48 minutes and 30 seconds, during which period he covered 13-1/2 miles, Webb was compelled to leave the water owing to having drifted 9-3/4 miles to the eastward of his course by a northeast stream and stress of weather. Webb started from Dover 2 hours 25 minutes before high water on a tide rising 13 feet 7 inches at that port.

An analogy may be seen in the British possessions in tropical America, where, following the stoppage of the intercolonial slave trade in 1807, a royal commission found that the average slave prices as gathered from sale records between 1822 and 1830 varied from a range in the old and stagnant colonies of £27 4s. 11-3/4d. in Bermuda, £29 18s. 9-3/4d. in the Bahamas, £47 1s. in Barbados and £44 15s. 2-1/4d. in Jamaica, to £105 4s., £114 11s. and £120 4s. 7-1/2d respectively in the new and buoyant settlements of Trinidad, Guiana and British Honduras.

I find that the vertebral column of a full-grown Gorilla, in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, measures 27 inches along its anterior curvature, from the upper edge of the atlas, or first vertebra of the neck, to the lower extremity of the sacrum; that the arm, without the hand, is 31-1/2 inches long; that the leg, without the foot, is 26-1/2 inches long; that the hand is 9-3/4 inches long; the foot 11-1/4 inches long.

Tommy's £500 had grown to be £1,213 12s. 9-3/4d.; and Amalu and Hemstead, ranking for wages only, had £22 16s. 0-1/2d. each. From talking and brooding on these figures it was but a step to opening the chest, and once the chest open the glamour of the cash was irresistible.

He had the reputation of being the fastest sprinter in Guiana, with a record, so we were solemnly told, of 9-1/5 seconds for the hundred a veritable Mercury, as the last world's record of which I knew was 9-3/5.

Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Of the men graduates of Antioch, 13-1/2 per cent have died; of the women graduates, 9-3/4 per cent. This of course does not include the war mortality or accidental deaths. Three of the men are confirmed invalids. No woman graduate is such.

It has a diameter of 6-1/4 inches, a height of 7-7/8 inches and a length of 9-3/8 inches, and it costs $11.00. The Aerial Condenser. This condenser is made up of three fixed condensers of different capacitances, namely .0003, .0004 and .0005 mfd., and these are made to stand a potential of 7500 volts.

I find that the vertebral column of a full-grown Gorilla, in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, measures 27 inches along its anterior curvature, from the upper edge of the atlas, or first vertebra of the neck, to the lower extremity of the sacrum; that the arm, without the hand, is 31-1/2 inches long; that the leg, without the foot, is 26-1/2 inches long; that the hand is 9-3/4 inches long; the foot 11-1/4 inches long.

It has a diameter of 6-1/4 inches, a height of 7-7/8 inches and a length of 9-3/8 inches, and it costs $11.00. The Aerial Condenser. This condenser is made up of three fixed condensers of different capacitances, namely .0003, .0004 and .0005 mfd., and these are made to stand a potential of 7500 volts.

If it were 9-3/4, I should not stand it, but break for home prematurely. Yours, dear Allie, with all my love, W.H.P. On August 24th came the President's reply: I have received your communication of August 1st. It caused me great regret that the condition of your health makes it necessary for you to resign.