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It has a diameter of 6-1/4 inches, a height of 7-7/8 inches and a length of 9-3/8 inches, and it costs $11.00. The Aerial Condenser. This condenser is made up of three fixed condensers of different capacitances, namely .0003, .0004 and .0005 mfd., and these are made to stand a potential of 7500 volts.

Finally set the crucible upright in the triangle, cover it, and heat at the full temperature of a blast lamp or other high temperature burner. Repeat the strong heating until the weight is constant within 0.0003 gram. On this account the weighings must be promptly completed after removal from the desiccator.

This must be continued until the weight is constant within 0.0003 gram in two consecutive weighings. Deduct the weight of the crucible, and calculate the percentage of chlorine in the sample of sodium chloride taken for analysis.

Allow the water to drip through into the test tube and add a drop of dilute hydrochloric acid. Dry the filter and contents at 100-110°C. until the weight is constant within 0.0003 gram, as described for the preparation of the filter.

Cool the crucible in a desiccator, and weigh. Heat again for twenty to thirty minutes, cool, and again weigh, repeating this until the weight is constant within 0.0003 gram. The filter is then ready for use. Place the crucible in the funnel, and apply a gentle suction, !after which! the solution to be filtered may be poured in without disturbing the asbestos felt.

It has a diameter of 6-1/4 inches, a height of 7-7/8 inches and a length of 9-3/8 inches, and it costs $11.00. The Aerial Condenser. This condenser is made up of three fixed condensers of different capacitances, namely .0003, .0004 and .0005 mfd., and these are made to stand a potential of 7500 volts.

D'Aubuisson gives for this case, in his Traite d'Hydraulique, a rather complicated formula, containing a constant deduced from experiment, whose value, according to a calculation made by the author, is approximately b1 = 0.0003.

We know that the modifications produced by winds in the composition of the air in various places, entirely escape our eudiometrical experiments, the most precise of which can estimate only as far as .0003 degrees of oxygen.