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Updated: August 20, 2024

The will of a prince whom they had long respected, and the favor they naturally transferred to his descendant, made them often advance him to the royal dignity; but the crown of his ancestor he cnsidered as the gift of the people, and neither expected nor claimed it as a right." Ditto, p. 151 3. In Germany "It was the business of the great to command in war, and in peace they distributed justice.

+151+. Mutilation of the body is a widespread custom in connection with initiation and arrival at the age of puberty. In most cases the origin of mutilating customs is obscure. Imitation of the form or appearance of a sacred animal, embellishment of the initiate, or consecration of a part of the body to a deity have been suggested as motives; but there is no clear evidence of such designs.

Men left in the forests when they were about two or three years old, 151*, 152*. Difference between men and beasts, 133, 134, 498. MARRIAGE-APARTMENT of the will and understanding, 270. Consent is the essential of marriage, and all succeeding ceremonies are its formalities, 21. The covenant of marriage is for life, 276. Marriages in themselves are spiritual, and thence holy, 53.

Official returns of the Canadian government give them in 1905 at 3,411, as follows: Peel . . . . . . . . . . 400 Arctic Red River . . . . . . 100 Good Hope . . . . . . . . 500 Norman . . . . . . . . . 300 Wrigley . . . . . . . . . 100 Simpson . . . . . . . . . 300 Rae . . . . . . . . . . 800 Liard and Nelson . . . . . . 400 Yellowknives . . . . . . . 151 Dogribs . . . . . . . . . 123 Chipewyans . . . . . . . . 123 Hay River . . . . . . . . 114 3,411

Experiment 151. To show that impressions made upon the retina do not disappear at once. Look steadily at a bright light for a moment or two, and then turn away suddenly, or shut the eyes. A gleam of light will be seen for a second or two. Look steadily at a well-lighted window for a few seconds, and then turn the eyes suddenly to a darkened wall. The window frame may be plainly seen for a moment.

His writings however prove that the Buddhism of this period was not a corrupt superstition, but could inspire and nourish some of the most beautiful thoughts which the creed has produced. Köppen, Rel. des Buddha, I. 151. Nanjio, 1237. Hsüan Chuang calls him Ch'en-na. See Watters, II. 209. The latter is probably a corruption of Kshatriya.

Thrale on the death of her son: 'Do not indulge your sorrow; try to drive it away by either pleasure or pain; for, opposed to what you are feeling, many pains will become pleasures. Piozzi Letters, i. 310. See ante, ii. 151. The Pembroke College grace was written by Camden.

There were received into the four Orphan Houses, from July 14, 1844, to May 26, 1846, 30 orphans, who, together with those who were in the four houses on July 14, 1844, make up 151 in all. On May 26, 1846, there were 121 orphans in the four houses. Besides this, six apprentices were still supported by the funds of the Institution, so that the total number was 127.

This place I named Port Montague in honour of my noble patron: it lies in the latitude of 6 degrees 10 minutes south, and meridian distance from Cape St. George 151 miles west. The country hereabouts is mountainous and woody, full of rich valleys and pleasant fresh-water brooks.

Among Charlemagne's 65 Capitularies, which contain I,151 articles, may be counted 87 of moral, 293 of political, 130 of penal, no of civil, 85 of religious, 305 of canonical, 73 of domestic, and 12 of incidental legislation. Often, indeed, these Capitularies have no imperative or prohibitive character; they are simple counsels, purely moral precepts.

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