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At this time Mabel Prentice-Parker-Singley was about five feet two inches in height, weighing not more than 105 or 110 pounds, slender to girlishness and showing no maturity save in her face, which, with its high color, brilliant blue eyes, and her yellow hair, often led those who glanced at her casually to think her good looking.

Why, when Josiah told it all over to me after he come down, I told him "I believed sunthin' would happen to that man before long. I believed he wus too good for earth." Josiah can't bear to hear me praise up any mortal man only himself, and he muttered sunthin' about "he bet he wouldn't be so tarnel good after 'lection." But I wouldn't hear 110 such talk; and says I,

A very active primary and general election campaign was made in 1919 for the election of men pledged to vote for ratification, in which 110,000 personal letters were sent out, all kinds of organizations were circularized and about 1,000,000 pieces of literature were distributed.

The bottled dreariness of Parliament is falling, falling, falling. An Elizabethan song-book, the original edition of Gray's Elegy, or Peregrine Pickle, is worth more than, or nearly as much as, the 458 volumes of Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. Three complete sets were sold last Tuesday; one brought £110, the other two but £70 each.

Samuel Peabody mentions cutting a yard 110 feet in length and 26 inches in diameter, and a mast 38 inches in diameter, and other timber of nearly equal size. Many of the largest pines grew on the banks of the Rushagonish, a branch of the Oromocto. By the favor of Lieut. Governor Hamond and his council Messrs.

Although the shearing of ninety sheep in a day is the average, a great many will go as high as 110, and one man has been known to shear 125. Of course, every man tries to shear as many as he can, and, owing to haste, frequently the animals are severely cut by the sharp shears.

Alibert mentions a patient who was operated upon by Clot-Bey, whose scrotum when removed weighed 110 pounds; the man had two children after the disease had continued for thirteen years, but before it had obtained its monstrous development a proof that the functions of the testicles had not been affected by the disease.

The distance from Orsova on the Danube to Hatszeg in Transylvania is 110 miles: the district is known as the "Romanen Banat," and, as the name imports, is principally inhabited by Wallacks, otherwise Roumanians. We arrived at Karansebes in the afternoon, and by good-luck it chanced to be fair-day.

In some cases it has produced ringing in the ears or deafness, or a rapid pulse, or an excessively high temperature, panting respiration, profuse perspiration, albuminuria, delirium, and imminent collapse. In one published case this anti-pyretic did not lower, but, on the contrary, seemed actually to raise the temperature so high that immediately after death it stood at 110 deg.

Unnoticed, support to farmers by both the EU and member governments has already declined from $120 billion in 1999 to $110 billion in 2000. This decrease has since continued unabated. Still, the EU is unable to provide the candidate countries with the same level of farm subsidies it doles out to the current 15 members.