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It is like worrying about being struck by lightning when clouds gather in a summer sky. "It looks like good bacon," I remarked. "It is that!" said the sergeant. "And the hungrier ye are the better. It's your nose that's telling ye so this minute. I can see that ye're hungry yoursilf!" "Then you're pretty well fed?" "Well fed, is it?

"Shtop a bit, and go aisy," retorted O'Gorman; "it's yoursilf that doesn't know what you're talkin' about. I said we're goin' round the Horn, didn't I? Very well; I repait it, we're goin' round the Horn in this brig and I'd like to know where's the man that'll purvent us." "Ah!

Though the widow would not touch the coin, she looked lovingly at her son and went on, "It's ginerous you are, loike your father, but you're helpin' me enough when you take your board off my hands. You must save your money to buy clothes for yoursilf, for you need 'em, Pat dear. Mrs. Brady can't be puttin' up with too badly dressed help.

Faint shouts were heard on his left, and he was about to proceed in that direction, when distinct cries arose on his right. He went in that direction for a time, then vacillated, and, finally, came to a dead stand, as well as to the conclusion that he had missed his way; which belief he stated to himself in the following soliloquy: "Rooney, me boy, you've gone an' lost yoursilf.

"I'm spaking for lost spalpeens like yoursilf," said Mickey, severely. "I haven't been lost since I parted company with Soot Simpson, and, begorrah, that minds me that we ought to saa something of him. Just look around and obsarve whether he is standing anywhere beckoning to us."

Out with it straight, now have you come after me, or have you come after my money?" The major was so astonished at this point-blank question, that for a moment he sat speechless upon the sofa. Being a man of ready resource, however, and one who was accustomed to sudden emergencies, he soon recovered himself. "Yoursilf, of course" cried he. "If you hadn't a stiver I would do the same."

"Watch the hand," said Mulvaney; "av she shut her hand tight, thumb down over the knuckle, take up your hat an' go. You'll only make a fool av yoursilf av you shtay. But av the hand lies opin on the lap, or av you see her thryin' to shut ut, an' she can't, go on! She's not past reasonin' wid. "Well, as I was sayin', I fell back, saluted, an' was goin' away. "'Shtay wid me, she sez. 'Look!

Compose yoursilf now. Good-night, an' swate drames to yez! I'm the watchman; I'll be out an' in; it's nothing here that'll hurt ye, sure; good-night!" and the man went out, and locked the door after him. It was warm in the room, and very comfortable, and it was not long after the boy laid down on the improvised bed before he was sound asleep.

"Ah, sure now, that's a raisonable plan," said Squill with something of sarcasm in his tone; "an' if I might make so bowld I'd suggist that yoursilf, sor, shud give him the thrashin'." "Nay, I am far from being the strongest man of the crew. The one that is best able should do the job."

So she said, "Well, then, if you've got so far, it rests with yoursilf to go farther. 'Tis a blessed thing that there are such a many things in this world a-restin' on a body's lone silf. But there's them that niver foinds it out, and that goes about layin' their own blame here, there and yon." Pat's elation lasted him overnight and even well on into the next day.