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Updated: August 19, 2024

Ye put me in mind of a wizened old man that sat all day makin' shoes in Killarney, all savin' the fringe he had on his chin." "A soldier must be dignified," I answered. "The saints bar that wurrd from hiven," said Terence, trying to pronounce it. "Come, we'll go to mass, or me mother will be visitin' me this night."

Wan av us'll pass the wurrd to the room an' we shtart the divil an' all av a shine laughin' an' crackin' on an' t'rowin' our boots about.

"It's a foine cheek ye have to be spakin' to a gentleman's daughter, an' you not a man uv yer wurrd." "Not a man o' me wurrd! what d'ye mane?" said Murphy, firing. "Look at that wall," Beth answered; "didn't ye promise ye'd build it?" "An' so I will when yer father gives me the stones he promised me," Murphy replied. "It's a moighty foine mon uv his wurrd he is."

'A can't abide a wurrd o' that long-legged wench! Ha ha ha! An' look y'ere, Miss Tranter! I'd 'a given a shillin' in Tom's 'at when it went round, but I'm thinkin' as zummat in the face o' the owd gaffer up in bed ain't zet on beggin', an' m'appen a charity'd 'urt 'is feelin's like the poor-'ouse do.

Changes there must be, and changes there will be, and if the Five Sisters is a-comin' down, then there's ill-luck brewin' for the village, an' for every man, woman and child in it! Mark my wurrd!" And he resumed his hobbling trudge, shaking his head dolefully. "Don't say that, Josey!" murmured one of the women with a little shudder; "You didn't ought to talk about ill-luck.

"'I do not, sez I. 'I saw you whin Vulmea mishandled the rifle. But, Sargint, I sez, 'take the wurrd from me now, spakin' as man to man wid the shtripes off, tho' 'tis little right I have to talk, me being fwhat I am by natur'. This time ye tuk no harm, an' next time ye may not, but, in the ind, so sure as Slimmy's wife came into the veranda, so sure will ye take harm an' bad harm.

'So he wint menowderin', and minanderin', an' blandandherin' roun' an' about the Colonel's daughter, an' she, poor innocint, lookin' at him like a Comm'ssariat bullock looks at the Comp'ny cook. He'd a dhirty little scrub av a black moustache, an' he twisted an' turned ivry wurrd he used as av he found ut too sweet for to spit out. Eyah! He was a tricky man an' a liar by natur'. Some are born so.

"In the name of Heaven, let him go! His time is precious he has important business business of life and death." "I tould the jidge so," said the Ensign, "but he refused to take my word the sacred wurrd of honour of Captain Geraldine." Macshane was good at a single lie, though easily flustered on an examination; and this was a very creditable stratagem to acquaint Mrs.

Very sick he is. Take him away, an' av you iver say wan wurrd about fwhat you've dekkoed, I'll marrow you till your own wife won't sumjao who you are! Thin I heard the stampin' av feet at the ind av the play, an' I ran in to let down the curtain. Whin they all came out the gurl thried to hide herself behind wan av the pillars, an' sez 'Jungi' in a voice that wouldn't ha' scared a hare.

I am simply a Unitarian clergyman." When Mike Flaherty abandoned South Boston for Lynn and hired a cottage with a bit of a back yard the first thing he did was to hurry back to the Hub of the Universe and purchase a monkey. "Divil a wurrd" of his scheme would he disclose to his old cronies in Boston.

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