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Here are two men found fighting over the body of a third who is known, as men say, to have been friendly with both. No man saw the beginning of the business. Now we will hear what was seen, but first let this Wulfric speak for himself;" and he turned his bright eyes on me. Now I told him all the truth from the time when I parted from Lodbrok until the men came.

"I bide here with Wulfric," he answered, having paid no heed to our low-voiced talk. "Wulfric sails with me to find Ingvar," said Thormod, and at that Cyneward turned to me in surprise. "Not Ingvar," said I, "but one in his house. Will you come with me?" Then he understood, and his face showed his gladness. "This is well," he cried; "gladly will I go with you and return with that other."

And he did but seem to put it in place, as if thinking. Then he replaced his helm, bowing, and said: "Now must I stay your rejoicing no longer. Fare you well, lady, and you, noble Egfrid; I must ride back to Thetford town on my own affairs. Yet I leave you Wulfric. Will you remember hereafter that you spoke with Ingvar the king, and that he was your friend?"

Wulfric, my son, you have grown from boy to man since last we met; and you come in helm and mail shirt and on horseback, instead of in blue homespun and fur cap, with an oar blister on either hand. How is this?" Then he kissed me on both cheeks and led me in, running on thus till a good meal was before me, with a horn of his mighty ale; and then he let me be in peace for a little while.

These two were speaking together as they stood before the fire, and I thought that what Beorn said was not pleasing to the Dane, for he turned away a little, and answered shortly. When they saw me both turned, Lodbrok with a smile of welcome, and Beorn with a loud, rough voice crying to me: "Ho, Wulfric, here is a strange thing!

"The man's pride is hurt that he should be thus baffled for all his skill, which, from his talk, must be great," and we both laughed, for Beorn loved his own praises. Now when we got back the guests were gathering, and it was not long before the king entered, and at once called me. "All here I know but one, Wulfric, and that one is your seafarer.

Poor child, thy mother's heart aches for thee e'en now, I'll warrant me." "I don't think so," said Robert; "you see, she doesn't know I'm out." The leader wiped away a manly tear, exactly as a leader in a historical romance would have done, and said "Fear not to speak the truth, my child; thou hast nought to fear from Wulfric de Talbot."

"When I go back to my own land, lady, I shall have many questions asked me by one of whom you have doubtless heard, as to how our friend's sister was arrayed for her wedding. And that I shall not be able to say but this I know, that I may tell Osritha that Wulfric's sister was worthy of Wulfric."

It needs no dream to tell one of the maiden's loneliness. Yet he answered, 'Nevertheless, in some way I will have Wulfric our comrade know that Osritha sits alone and will not be comforted'. So when I must start on this voyage he bade me tell you of this matter, and I have done so." Now I was full of many thoughts about this, but as yet I would say little.

"Let him die; for you gave him to Wulfric, and that is his word." "Well then," said Ingvar, setting back the axe at last, "I will not carve him into the eagle I meant to make of him. But slay him I must and will, if the life is yet in him."