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Updated: August 11, 2024

"We was all right int'rested in them Allies, o' course, an' watched 'em clost; but, 'Bill, says Buck ter me one night, 'its been woikin in me nut that these here fellers ain't so different from what we know a'ready. Excep' fer their uniform an' outfits, we've met 'em all before but the Japs.

It was a hopeful sign that he should take her cause to heart to such an extent. But Mr. Jarvis' consternation was not due wholly to solicitude for her. His thoughts at that moment, put, after having been expurgated, into speech, might have been summed up in the line: "Of all sad words of tongue or pen the saddest are these, 'It might have been'!" "Ain't youse woikin' dere no more?

She was glad to be rid of "Kedzie Thropp." She would never be Kedzie Thropp again. Then the waiter came with her breakfast. It smelled so grand that she forgot to be afraid for a while. The coffee smoked aroma; the ham and eggs were fragrant; and the orange sent up a golden fume of delight. Skip entered into conversation as she entered into the orange. "Where you woikin' now?" he said.

Dey's de fellers wit' de big bank-rolls. Look at dis old McEachern. Money to boin a wet dog wit' he's got, an' never a bit of woik fer it from de start to de finish. An' look at me, boss." "I do, Spike, I do." "Look at me. Gittin' busy all de year round, woikin' to beat de band " "In prisons oft," said Jimmy. "Sure t'ing. An' chased all roun' de town. An' den what?

Is dat right?" he gasped. "Gee! I wisht I'd 'a' known it sooner. Why, a guy come to me and wants to give me half a ton of the long green to go to dat poiper what youse was woikin' on and fix de guy what's runnin' it. An' I truns him down 'cos I don't want you to be frown out of your job. Say, why youse quit woikin' dere?" His eyes narrowed as an idea struck him.

Kedzie did not know what his dialect meant at first. When she learned that "woikin'" was the same as "wurrkin" she confessed that she had no job. She trembled lest he should recognize her from the paper. He eyed her narrowly and tried to flirt with her across the very head-lines that told who she was. She could not be sure that he did not know her.

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