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Updated: August 3, 2024

He insisted that it was too late to think of reaching Bandipur, but we maintained that we could get at any rate part of the way; so he cast off from his willow-tree, and sulkily poked and poled out into the Wular, taking uncommon good care to hug the shore with fervour.

Allah ne'er punish eye that saw those charms * Enshrined, and passing full moon's brilliancy! I found me felled by fair wide-opened eyes, * Which pierced my heart with stringless archery: And soft, lithe, swaying shape enraptured me * As sway the branches of the willow-tree: Wi' them I covet union that I win, * O'er love-pains cark and care, a mastery.

You've planted your bush where you wanted it." The delighted gardener went in the strength of that witticism for forty weeks or at least until some fiend of candor, a brother, like as not, said: "Yes, truly you have violated the first rule of gardening, for you have put your willow-tree that's what it is where a minute's real reflection would have told you you'd wish you hadn't."

I suppose he is going upon the old business of the willow-tree. As Sir ROGER was giving me this account of Tom Touchy, Will Wimble and his two companions stopped short till we came up to them. After having paid their respects to Sir ROGER, Will told him that Mr. Touchy and he must appeal to him upon a dispute that arose between them.

His hair and beard alone were light, bleached by the rain and sun, until they had become the same green-gray color as the under side of the willow leaves. The birds, flying about, looking for a place to build, took Hatto the hermit for another old willow-tree, checked in its struggle towards the sky by axe and saw like the first one.

The branches of the old willow-tree rustled in the wind, and large water-drops fell from his green leaves as if the old willow were weeping. Then the sparrows asked why he was weeping, when all around him seemed so cheerful. "See," they said, "how the sun shines, and the clouds float in the blue sky. Do you not smell the sweet perfume from flower and bush? Wherefore do you weep, old willow-tree?"

And the years came and went and time passed, as it must and will pass. The willow-tree became more and more decayed and the hole filled with earth and more customers arrived. One spring there was a dainty little sprout, which the tree welcomed under the impression that it was a dandelion. "Hullo!" said the sprout. "What do you think I am?"

But I am of my friend's opinion, that when one has seen the ocean cascades are but little things. Piozzi Letters, i.69. 'A water-work with a concealed spring, which, upon touching, spouted out streams from every bough of a willow-tree. Piozzi MS. CROKER. A race-horse, which attracted so much of Dr. Johnson's attention, that he said, 'of all the Duke's possessions, I like Atlas best. DUPPA.

Since the afternoon beneath the willow-tree, Haward, while encouraging her to speak of her long past, her sylvan childhood, her dream memories, had somewhat sternly checked every expression of gratitude for the part which he himself had played or was playing, in the drama of her life.

Ralph sprang to his feet as he said the word, and cried out eagerly: "Old friend, and where then wert thou bred and born?" Richard laughed and said: "See, then, there is yet a deed and a day betwixt thee and death! But turn about and look straight over the meadows in a line with yonder willow-tree, and tell me what thou seest."

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