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"Last Friday when I took the bacon and oatmeal over to Soapy and Francois and Whinstane Sandy," I told him. "And what did you think of that shack?" "It impressed me as being sadly in need of soap and water," I calmly admitted. "It's like any other shack where two or three men have been batching no better and no worse than the wickiup I came to here on my honeymoon."

I've been just a little mystified, to-day, by Whinstane Sandy's movements. As soon as breakfast was over and his chores were done he was off on the trail. I kept my eye on him as he went, to satisfy myself that he was not heading for Casa Grande, where no good could possibly come of his visitations.

But, depend upon it, Mr Grierson, if ye dinna try to do something wi' him, I maun tak him awa frae your school, and that is the short and the lang o't." "Do sae, ma'am," said I, "and I'll thank ye. Mercy me! it's a bonny thing, indeed do ye suppose that I had the makin o' your son? If Nature has formed his head out o' a whinstane, can I transform it into marble?

"I flew into a rampaging passion wi' my mother, for levelling Jenny to either shame or sorrow: but she maintained that married we should not be, if she could prevent it; and she certainly said and did everything that lay in her power to render me jealous. She might as weel have lectured to a whinstane rock. I believed Jenny to be as pure as the dew that falleth upon a lily before sunrise in May.

Whinstane Sandy is loyal to little Dinkie, and, now that the evenings are longer, regales him on stories, stories which the little tot can only half understand. But they must always be about animals, and Whinnie seems to run to wolves.

It was only a surface-stir, but it was those surface-stirs, I remembered, which played such a lamentably important part in life. When Whinstane Sandy came in at noon for his dinner, a full quarter of an hour ahead of Peter, I had his meal all ready for him by the time he had watered and fed his team.

I echoed in a voice that was just a wee bit trembly, as I took the note from Whinnie, "what do you mean by away?" "He left three hours ago for Chicago," Whinstane Sandy retorted, still with that grim look of triumph in his gloomy old eyes. "But what could be taking him to Chicago?" I rather weakly inquired. "'Twas to see about buyin' some blooded stock for the ranch.