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He folded and sealed this note and delivered it to Cuthbert, saying: "Conceal it somewhere about your person, and go to the warden's office and ask leave to see your old fellow-servant, and no doubt you will get it. And when you see him deliver this note secretly, as I told you." "Verra weel, me laird," said the old man, going and knocking on the door of the cell to be let out.

The old man grated out an assent and swung open the door, which creaked in the pitch of his voice. The bare hall was cut by a wall of steel bars whose gate was padlocked, and outside this wall the door to the warden's office stood open. St. George saw that a meeting was in progress there, and the sight disturbed him.

To him I told the same tale, adding that I had heard late of his levying of his men, otherwise I had ridden to join him at his setting forth. "You have seen war?" he asked. "Only a Warden's raid or twain, on the moss-trooping Scots of Liddesdale. Branxholme I have seen in a blaze, and have faced fire at the Castle of the Hermitage."

Such a relinquishment had never occurred before in all the warden's experience; and he was very much inclined to be offended. 'I must say that for a man not to be satisfied as a bedesman of St Sepulchre's argues a very wrong state of mind, and a very ungrateful heart.

When we were come there the constable told me I must go before the warden, who was the chief officer of that town, and bade the watchman bring me on, himself walking before. Being come to the warden's door, the constable knocked, and desired to speak with Mr. Warden.

I told them that he was probably in bed, and they answered that I should fall over if I did not look out. It was all most painfully dull, and I was just going in when the Subby appeared and went into the Warden's house. I could guess the reason for that visit, and waited to see no more. I sat down by the fire and tried to think out what I should say to the Subby, and what he would say to me.

After that time has elapsed the area must be applied for at the nearest Warden's office, where, unless disputed, it is registered under the name of the applicant, who must at once commence work upon it. When such work proves the existence of "payable gold" the area must be again applied for as a lease, to hold which the sum of 1 pound per acre, per annum, must be paid to the Government.

An instant later the door crashed inward, and Lawler stood in the opening, his eyes flaming with the cold wrath that had been in them on the day when, after he had killed Antrim, he had come to Warden's office for a like purpose. There was no word spoken. Lawler saw the gun in Singleton's hand.

But the receipt, as well as the masses, was modernized according to the progress of time. Philip stood under a great broad stone archway; the back-door into the warden's house was on the right side; a kind of buttery-hatch was placed by the porter's door on the opposite side. After some consideration, Philip knocked at the closed shutter, and the signal seemed to be well understood.

Singleton measure the medicine from a vial into a small glass. When the warden's wife knelt down, and putting one arm under the pillow elevated it slightly, while she held the glass to the girl's lips, Beryl attempted to push it aside. "Take it for me, dear child; it will make you sleep, and ease your pain."