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Updated: August 6, 2024

Evidently it was known that he was ordered to report by telegraph, yet who could have "given it away"? The despatch was still in his waistcoat-pocket, for Devers, unlike his trimmer juniors, wore that unsoldierly garment underneath his sack-coat. Even the adjutant had not seen the despatch, and the operator was sworn to secrecy.

"Because he didn't know his mistake," replied the other; "I saw him take the piece out of his waistcoat-pocket without looking." "Oh dear! what shall I do?" cried the little girl. "Why, thou must keep it, to be sure," replied the old man; "give it to thy grandmother, she will know what to do with it, I warrant thee."

The man groaned, for he was heavy, and no doubt dreaded the stairs. He scratched a match on his thigh, and led the way up. March was sorry for him, and he put his fingers on a quarter in his waistcoat-pocket to give him at parting. At the same time, he had to trump up an objection to the flat.

Show us the man who habitually carries pills of any sort in his waistcoat-pocket, be they opium or whatever else, and we can assure you that that man is an aërobat, that somehow, in one sense or another, he walks in the air above other men's heads.

Miss Bradshaw, concealing her surprise by an effort, said that she would see, and was scanning the contents of a drawer, when Mr. Kemp in some haste discovered a few odd sovereigns in his waistcoat-pocket. Five minutes later he was sitting in the little room behind the shop, holding forth to an admiring audience. "So far as I know," he said, in reply to a question of Mrs.

It is bound in brown leather and has the same arms and coronet upon it that my chatelaine has the arms of Ambrosine Eustasie de Calincourt and an "A. E. de C." entwined, all tooled in faded gold. "The arms on my knife!" Antony said, pulling it from his waistcoat-pocket and comparing them. "My knife," I said. "Tell me all about her A.E. de C.," he commanded, seating himself on the sofa again.

Precisely the same: except that he did not look much at Miss Arrowpoint, but rather at Klesmer, who was speaking with animation now stretching out his long fingers horizontally, now pointing downward with his fore-finger, now folding his arms and tossing his mane, while he addressed himself first to one and then to the other, including Grandcourt, who listened with an impassive face and narrow eyes, his left fore-finger in his waistcoat-pocket, and his right slightly touching his thin whisker.

Soon they were spinning up along the shining Mohawk, and still his eyelids would not close. In his waistcoat-pocket lay a bulky letter, the last of many in the same superscription a prim, unformed, school-girlish hand that had come to him during the last two years of his cadet life. Its predecessors, carefully wrapped and tied, were in the old trunk somewhere ahead among the baggage.

Comes there an echo from thy waistcoat-pocket, Blondet? Between ourselves, let the heart alone, it spoils the intellect. "Let us resume. Godefroid de Beaudenord was respected by his tradespeople, for they were paid with tolerable regularity. The witty woman before quoted I cannot give her name, for she is still living, thanks to her want of heart " "Who is this?" "The Marquise d'Espard.

He often carried about with him, in a pocket-book, or in neat little packages of grocer's gay paper, borne in the waistcoat-pocket, a collection of gems of considerable value, and would show them to his intimates with the insouciance of a man who was accustomed to handling things of price.

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