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But it was like the effort to imagine herself belonging to another race, Ethiopian or Oriental. It was unthinkable. She had a clearly defined conception of grandmothers, persons with a generous waist-line and white hair. Undoubtedly they were useful people in their way, and worthy of regard. But she found it impossible to realize that she herself might belong to their number.

His task was hardly begun, however, when the store door opened to admit Max Fried and his sister-in-law. Abe immediately ceased his sample-assorting and walked forward to greet them. "Hello, Max," he said. Max stopped short, and by the simple process of thrusting out his waist-line assumed a dignity befitting the ceremony of introduction. "Mr.

When Hal put the garments on, there was a foot to spare all round; but after they had stuffed two bed pillows down in the front of him, and drawn them tight at the waist-line, the disguise was judged more satisfactory. He put on the old lady's ample if ragged shoes, and Mary Burke set the widow's bonnet on his head and adjusted the many veils; after that Mrs.

It will never come off! Look at your back!" Miss Bailey clanged the bell, caught Patrick by the waist-line, thrust him under her desk, fenced him in with a chair, and turned to Isaac who had only just realized the full horror of his plight. Isidore Belchatosky and Eva Gonorowsky had torn off the white tunic thereby disclosing quantities of red flannel and exhibited its desecrated back.

His door was unceremoniously thrown open, and there appeared one of those strange apparitions which is the envy and despair of the small-town youth a naturally good-looking young fellow, the sartorial arts of whose tailor had elevated his waist-line to his arm-pits, dragged down his shoulders, and caved in his front until he had the appearance of being badly dished from chin to knees.

She laid her doll under a towel, but, with a furtive look at the boy, rolled it in a cloth and tucked it under her skirt at the waist-line. She then washed the children's faces, tied on their calico bibs, and pushed them up to the pine table.

But de Spain, unamiable as he now was, looked with unconcealed interest at the man's dancing partner. She, too, was browned by the mountain sun and air a slight, erect girl, her head well set, and a delicate waist-line above a belted brown skirt, which just reached the tops of her small, high, tan riding-boots. She wore a soft, French-gray Stetson hat.

At the command, "March!" move the left foot forward 30 inches from the right; continue with the right and so on. The arms swing freely. The arms are raised to a position horizontal with the waist-line, fingers clenched. The run is as natural as possible.

After that most of his "bellows" were involuntary and but punctuated the rapid-fire attack with which the other man was landing his blows just above Slim's waist-line, or where his waist-line should have been. As the launch headed toward shore, its searchlight trained over the bow, the man of the rowboat resorted to more desperate tactics.

Say, Missus" and he turned to his wife, who had just come in, the youngest child in her arms. She weighed twice as much as Muffles one of those shapeless women with a kindly, Alderney face, and hair never in place, who lets everything go from collar to waist-line. "Say, Missus, didn't de Sheriff say dat was a perfec' likeness?" And he handed it to her.