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Yet some may deem it but a glancing in my own eyes, from the blood flying to my head; howsoever it be, I had never seen the like before, nor have I seen it since, and, assuredly, the black branches and wild weeds were lit up bare and clear. The tramp of the horses passed, there was no cry of "Pax vobiscum," no twang of bows, and slowly the ring of hoofs died away on the road to Chinon.

And entering he blessed the viands and the beverages and the company of all the blessed answered his prayers. Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini. Qui fecit coelum et terram. Dominus vobiscum. Et cum spiritu tuo.

And there in bed, propped up by pillows, lay his deadly enemy, looking already like a corpse. Clement eyed him a moment from the door, and thought of all the tower, the wood, the letter. Then he said in a low voice, "Pax vobiscum!" He trembled a little while he said it. The sick man welcomed him as eagerly as his weak state permitted.

I turned to the hearth, tossed on the fire the sere old paper, which blazed at once, and then, hearing the words pax vobiscum, I looked round. But I was alone. After a few minutes, devoted to private ejaculations, I returned to the dining-room; and that is all my story. Your maids need no longer dread the ghost of the library. He is released."

It is equally evident why we never say cum nobis, but nobiscum; though we do not scruple to say cum illis; viz. because, in the former case, the union of the consonants m and n would produce a jarring sound: and we also say mecum and tecum, and not cum me and cum te, to correspond with nobiscum and vobiscum.

Heichster guchster honi soit qui mal y pense donner und blitzen tempora mutantur O mia cara and pax vobiscum. The court is dissolved." It was, and I regret to add that Judge Robinson's concluding sentences raised him greatly in the opinion of the miners. "Captain knows a thing or two." "If ever we send one to parliament that is the man." "Halo! you fellows, come here! come here!"

"Pax vobiscum," said Wamba, who was now muffled in his religious disguise. And so saying he imitated the solemn and stately deportment of a friar, and departed to execute his mission. The hottest horse will oft be cool, The dullest will show fire; The friar will often play the fool, The fool will play the friar. Old Song

This is the origin of our saying mecum and tecum, not cum me, and cum te, so that they too might be like nobiscum and vobiscum. XLVI. And some men find fault with all this; men who are rather late in mending antiquity; for they wish us, instead of saying Deûm atque hominum fidem, to say Deorum.

Well, it doesn't matter in the least. That was Father Anthony who was preaching. He was a little nervous, you noticed. It was his first sermon in Hyde Park." "I saw he was a friar," murmured the other. "Oh! you recognized his habit then? There, you see; your memory's not really gone. And . . . and what's the answer to Dominus vobiscum?" "Et cum spiritu tuo."

"If such prove the case," said the master, "my religious orders are soon taken 'Pax vobiscum'. I trust I shall remember the pass-word. Noble Athelstane, farewell; and farewell, my poor boy, whose heart might make amends for a weaker head I will save you, or return and die with you.