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Updated: August 27, 2024

I have struggled against it, I have lain awake nights trying to find justification for going to you, but it is stronger than I. I am afraid of it I suppose that's the truth. Even in those unforgettable days at the farm I was afraid of it, although I did not know what it was to be. Call it what you like, say that I am weak. I am willing to acknowledge that it is weakness.

The festival took place on the 3rd of April of the year 1910, and was touching in its simplicity. What an unforgettable day in the life of Fabre!

Nothing on the face of it could have been more preposterous to Billy B. Hill's imagination than trotting along the banks of the Nile on a camel with a gossamer-haired girl trotting beside him, two lone strays in a dark-skinned land, and yet after a few hours of it, it was the most natural thing in the world! It was all color and light and vivid, unforgettable impressions.

That interview of theirs on the cliff top would have been poignant for both if it had taken place in a dingy back sitting-room; but something must have been absent that unforgettable thrill which comes when beauty is joined to great emotion. After a while, Caroline saw a woman leave the concert hall to cross the promenade, which already gleamed darkly with rain-drops.

There was no other ship in view when the Norah Creina, lying over under all plain sail, began her long and lonely voyage to the wreck. I love to recall the glad monotony of a Pacific voyage, when the trades are not stinted, and the ship, day after day, goes free. I love to recall, and would that I could reproduce that life, the unforgettable, the unrememberable.

He stood like that only the fraction of a second, then he lost his balance, reeled, and fell down, and was lost from the captain's circle of vision. Their glances scarcely had time to cross, the pallid face had merely flitted by. And yet it stood there, remained fixed in the air, with a mild, soft, plaintive expression about the narrow lips, an unforgettable air of gentle anxious resignation.

In other words, anyone who tries to play "rough house" where these veterans' associations exist will have to reckon with the "old boys," who once wore the unforgettable scarlet and gold. And what is here said of the men is equally true of the wives and mothers and sisters of the riders of the Western plains.

The first author with whom I had to deal, at a critical point in my progress as an actress, was Charles Reade, and he helped me enormously. He might, and often did, make twelve suggestions that were wrong; but against them he would make one that was so right that its value was immeasurable and unforgettable.

And then they sang it through, did Margaret and Billy sang of the dimple in her chin and the ringlets in her hair, and of the cherry pies she achieved with such celerity sang as they sat in the spring-decked meadow every word of that inane old song that is so utterly senseless and so utterly unforgettable. It was a quite idiotic performance.

Of her mother this was all she had left, just this one unforgettable picture, and then a long terrible night when she had not seen her, but had heard her sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, somewhere in the darkness. The next day, when she cried for her, they had said that she was gone, and the child had never seen her again.

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