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Papillomatous growths are also met with in the larynx, in the ducts of the breast, and in the interior of certain cystic tumours of the breast and of the ovary. Although papillomas are primarily innocent, they may become the starting-point of cancer, especially in persons past middle life and if the papilloma has been subjected to irritation and has ulcerated.

I went over there when I could, but the times when she was in from the fields were the times when I was busiest here. She talked about the grain and the weather as if she’d never had another interest, and if I went over at night she always looked dead weary. She was afflicted with toothache; one tooth after another ulcerated, and she went about with her face swollen half the time.

The envoy, Mondoucet, in apprizing the French monarch of this scheme, added that the Duke was so ulcerated and annoyed by the discovery of the previous enterprise, that nothing could exceed his rage. These ruffians were not destined to success, but the attempts of the Duke upon the Queen's life were renewed from time to time.

There was nothing to be done then but kill him. It had been a wet night which had made his poor, ulcerated ankles as bad as they could be, and the pain in his eyes was maddening.

These warts ulcerated and gave rise to numerous superficial ulcerations, covered with yellow crusts, irregularly scattered over the face, mostly on the right side. The pus coming from these ulcers was apparently innocuous. The patient complained neither of itching nor of pain. Archambault has collected 60 cases, and gives a good resume to date.

"I certainly don't say it to discourage you," she confessed. "Going around like a faded lily isn't going to help you a mite and so I have already told you." "Huh! How's a fellow going to register joy when he feels anything but?" "You'd make a poor screen actor," she told him. "See Mr. Grand to-day. He has an ulcerated tooth and is going to the Bay to-night to have it treated.

Ulceration and Necrosis of Cartilage. The synovial tissue covering the cartilage causes pitting and perforation of the cartilage and makes its way through it, and often spreads widely between it and the subjacent bone; the cartilage may be detached in portions of considerable size. It may be similarly ulcerated or detached as a result of disease in the bone. Caries of Articular Surfaces.

Desgranges gives a case of a fish-spine in the abdominal cavity, and ten years afterward it ulcerated through an abscess in the abdominal wall. Keetley speaks of a man who was shot when a boy; at the time of the accident the boy had a small spelling-book in his pocket.

She was not yet what she became when one class of vices had been fully developed in her by prosperity, and another by adversity, when her brain had been turned by success and flattery, when her heart had been ulcerated by disasters and mortifications.

She advised Thea to play "something with variations," or, at least, "The Invitation to the Dance." "It makes no matter what they like," Wunsch replied to Thea's entreaties. "It is time already that they learn something." Thea's fighting powers had been impaired by an ulcerated tooth and consequent loss of sleep, so she gave in.