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Tyope twitched nervously. He knew where the woman had gone. "Hayoue," the man from Tzitz proceeded, "was the only one who carried weapons. He had gone out very early with Okoya, the youth from Tanyi who is his brother's child. They had started while it was yet night, following the tshinaya up to the top of the rocks.

It was the old chief of the Delight Makers, the Koshare Naua. When the last two comers reached the group and offered the usual greeting, the conversation in which the delegate from Tzitz hanutsh, a short, stout man, and his colleague from Oshatsh had been the loudest participants came to a sudden stop.

"But if Shyuamo hanutsh says to Tzitz hanutsh, 'We will give you such and such things that are precious to you if you give us the land, and does it, then I am in favour of compelling Tzitz hanutsh to give it; for it is better thus than that the tribe should be divided and each part go adrift. These are my thoughts, sa nashtio yaya."

In case they found a few, he promised to return; but should there be many yet alive he was determined upon founding a new settlement. That small clan should not come back and again be in the way of the others. "Tzitz hanutsh," said he in closing, alluding to his own performances, "has saved the tribe; it has done its duty.

Just as there are Shiuana who assist the hunter, there are those who help us, that we may strike the enemy and take away from him what makes him strong, that it may strengthen us. Look at Tyame, the nashtio of Tzitz hanutsh; he is swift and strong, but he knows not how to call to Those Above and around to help him take the scalp of the Moshome.

In the first place, intermarriage between the clans of Tanyi and Tyame was not favourable to his scheme, which consisted in expelling gradually or violently four clusters, Tanyi, Tyame, Huashpa, and Tzitz, from the Rito.

For this reason did I speak to our father the tapop that he should call in the uuityam, in order that all might hear and that nobody could say afterward, 'Shyuamo hanutsh has taken from Tzitz hanutsh what belonged to the Water people, and behold we knew nothing about it! Shyuamo hanutsh" he raised his voice and glanced around with flashing eyes "has many people; Shyuamo is strong!

There was nobody left of Tzitz hanutsh except a few old women and Ciay Tihua, the little boy. Go down we could not, for below was such a noise, such fighting, struggling, shouting, and wailing! The Moshome tore the firebrands from the hearths, set fire to the beams, dragged the cloth and the hides into the court-yard and burned them there.

Look," and she took up the vessel again, pointing to its outside, where near the base she had painted two horned serpents encircling the foot of the bowl. "Tzitz shruy," she laughed merrily. The youth laughed, so did the women, all three enjoying themselves like big, happy children. "For whom did you make this?" Okoya now inquired. "For my father," Mitsha proudly replied.