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Now, therefore, call them together, all the yaya and the fathers, and say to them, "Shyuamo hanutsh demands from Tzitz hanutsh that it should share its field with us, for where there are two mouths of Shyuamo there is only one of Tzitz; but when Tzitz raises one ear of corn, Shyuamo grows not more than one."" He had spoken, and drew a heavy sigh of relief. The most profound silence reigned.

He stopped short and fastened his eyes on the floor. Hoshkanyi sighed, and appeared to be much embarrassed. "I don't know what to do," the little man stuttered. "Have you been asked to do anything?" "Yes, they have " He stopped, sighed again, and then proceeded hastily and with an expression of anguish in his face, "Shyuamo hanutsh asks that Tzitz hanutsh " The Hotshanyi commanded him to desist.

"Its women and its children are well! But we, at the lower end of the cliffs," he extended his arm to the east, "starve in order that your daughters and the little ones whom we have begotten to the other clans shall not perish. We had no more than food enough to pray for, to fast for, in order that the Shiuana might not let our brethren be lost." "How many Koshare are there in Tzitz hanutsh?

At least he was there when I went away." "Is he doing penance?" Okoya stared at Hayoue in astonishment. "No, he ate with us. Why should he fast?" "Do you know," Hayoue continued to inquire, "that the nashtio of Tzitz and the nashtio of Tyame are fasting?" "I did not, but I know that the Hishtanyi Chayan is at work." Hayoue extended his neck and pricked up his ears.

Of Mokatsh hanutsh only one girl has remained alive. Of Tyame a few women, but your wife, satyumishe, is dead; your child Mitsha the Moshome have carried away, or else she hides in the timber and starves. The great house is empty, and fire comes out from its roof. Your people can have the field of Tzitz hanutsh," he added with trembling voice; "we need it no longer.

Their delegate, however, was Koshare, and he leaned not so much toward the Turquoise as toward what seemed to be the desire of the leading Delight Makers, the Naua and Tyope. He therefore expressed himself bluntly in favour of Tzitz hanutsh giving up a certain quantity of land to the clan Shyuamo, without stating his opinion or suggesting in the least how it ought to be done.

He accused them of having done wrong in not sharing their fields with the clan of the Turquoise some time before, since it was the duty of those who had too much to divide with those who were poorer. He said that it was wrong on the part of Tzitz to have remained silent when they knew how much Shyuamo did for the tribe, while at the same time they had not enough for their own existence.

The delegate from Tanyi jumped up, yelling, "Why do you want the ground from Tzitz alone? Why not our field also;" and he placed himself defiantly in front of Tyope. The member from Huashpa cried, "Are the Water people perhaps to blame for the drought of last year?" "They are!" screamed the Koshare Naua, rising; "Tapop, I want to speak; make order!"

Of all the less numerous groups, Tzitz hanutsh was almost the only one who took the side of Tanyi under all circumstances, and this was due exclusively to the fact that the marriage of Zashue with Say Koitza bound the two clans together.

Shyuamo is a strong hanutsh, and what it wants will be done. It alone can do more than Tzitz and Tanyi together." The quick, bold, apparently unpremeditated reply relieved Zashue of an undefined feeling of suspicion that had arisen within him.