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"You got the tummy-ache?" Pink inquired facetiously, moving around so that he got a fair look at his face. "Naw his girl's went back on him!" Happy Jack put in, coiling his rope as he came up. "Oh, shut up!" Andy's voice was sharp with trouble. "Boys, the Old Man's well, he's most likely dead by this time. I brought out a telegram " "Go on!" Pink's eyes widened incredulously.

Good-bye, Monsieur le docteur. You scare me stiff. But I like you. Nest time I 'ave ze tummy-ache I ring you up. "I shouldn't if I were you." "Why? You give me poison, p'raps?" "I might," he said. So Rufus Cosgrave disappeared, like an insignificant chip of wood sucked into a whirlpool, and this time Stonehouse made no attempt to plunge in after him.

She rocked and twisted and bent half double in the pangs of a fearful tummy-ache, and at every paroxysm the car lurched in sympathy, only to be brought up short by the pull of the taut cable; so that we two, wedged in together as we were, nevertheless jostled each other violently. I am a poor sailor, both by instinct and training.

He had been out at sea the whole night and stumbled as he walked. "Why, Povl, little man, got a tummy-ache?" asked he, putting his hand on the boy's forehead. It throbbed, and was burning hot. The boy turned his head away. "He looks really bad," he said, seating himself on the edge of the bed, "he doesn't even know us. It's come on quickly, there was nothing the matter with him this morning."

He felt for a moment oddly uneasy and distressed. "No, I don't suppose I have." "Ah, c'est dommage, mon pauvre jeune homme. But you don't like me. What can I do?" "I don't expect you to do anything." "Not my business, hein? No one 'ave any business 'ere who 'ave not got an illness. Ver' well. I will 'ave an illness a ver' leetle one. No, not ze tummy-ache. C'est vieux jeu ca.

"No I wouldn't do that at any rate." "C'est vrai. I ask you 'ave an air un peu souffrant. Well, never mind. It's droll though I think about you just when you ring up I 'ave a damn pain not ze tummy-ache this time and I say: 'Le pauvre jeune homme, 'ere is a chance for 'im to pay me out for kissing 'im when 'e don't want to be kissed. You remember I say I send for you one day.

"'Ow you say professionally?" "Yes." "But I 'ave not get ze tummy-ache not yet." "I don't care about you." "You want to look after your leetle friend, hein?" "Yes." She was unruffled even concerned to satisfy him. "Well, then, you be policeman. You sit 'ere. It is always better to watch ze thief than ze coffre-fort. You keep an eye on me and see I don't run away with 'im.